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Luftverschmutzung und Gesundheit: der Einfluss der Schadstoffbelastung auf die Atemwegserkrankungen von Kleinkindern in der ambulanten pädiatrischen... (Publications)
Untersuchungen über Biocoenose und Abbauverhalten in Laborkläranlagen (Publications)
Studie zur berufsspezifischen Mortalität in Basel: II. Erhebung bei Nachtschicht leistenden Polizeimännern (Publications)
Impact of human immunodeficiency virus on the severity of <em>Buruli ulcer</em> disease: results of a retrospective study in Cameroon (Publications)
Female genital schistosomiasis and human immunodeficiency virus infection: a systematic literature review (Publications)
Malaria recommendations for risk groups visiting sub-Saharan Africa: a survey of European expert opinion and international guidelines (Publications)
Inferring effectiveness from cluster randomized trials of vector control interventions against malaria (Publications)
An exploratory study using mHealth technology to describe health risks to travelers (Publications)
Challenges in the diagnosis of lymphatic filariasis in Conakry, Republic of Guinea (Publications)
Chronic ulcers in <em>Buruli ulcer</em> patients following specific treatment in a district hospital in Ghana (Publications)