Open House 2023: Come and visit us at the new Swiss TPH (Page)
Open House Come and visit us at the new Swiss TPH! Are you curious to take a look inside the new headquarters of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)? Would you like to know more
More noise in the sustainability debate (Page)
Hardly any other environmental pollutant affects our everyday life as much as noise. This is shown by complaints about noise to specialist bodies and the police, which frequently concern noise perceiv
Seasonal hunger affects millions – can we fix it? (Page)
If you travel to sub-Saharan Africa during the rainy season, vegetation seems so lush that you may start to wonder how long it would take until all of the thriving plants would absorb the settlements
Swiss TPH Evaluation Approved by UNFPA (Page)
Swiss TPH Evaluation Approved by UNFPA 01.02.2017 by Sabina Beatrice-Matter The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Executive Board approved the comprehensive evaluation report of its adolescent an
Malaria Trends in DRC (Page)
Malaria Trends in DRC 09.02.2017 by Sabina Beatrice-Matter The Swiss TPH conducted a large-scale assessment of trends in malaria morbidity in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from 2005 to 2015 t
Application Management Courses (Page)
Management Courses Thank you for your registration! We will contact you as soon as possible with your invoice. If you have requested online participation, we will confirm your choice as soon as possib
Targeted Vaccination to Interrupt Rabies Transmission (Page)
Targeted Vaccination to Interrupt Rabies Transmission 28.09.2018 Although the disease is preventable, rabies continues to kill more than 60,000 people per year – mainly children in Asia and Africa. Ne
Smartphone-Based Tool Improves Care of Children in Tanzania (Page)
Smartphone-Based Tool Improves Care of Children in Tanzania 27.10.2017 Diagnosis and care of children under five with acute infections years remains a challenge in many parts of the world, resulting i
Scientifically Proven: Air Pollution Harms Health (Page)
Scientifically Proven: Air Pollution Harms Health 31.01.2019 The debate on air quality standards for ambient air pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, particulate matter and ozone has revived in Germany
Akuter Durchfall belastet Schweizer Volkswirtschaft (Page)
Akuter Durchfall belastet Schweizer Volkswirtschaft 04.08.2017 by Anna Wegelin Magen-Darm-Erkrankungen führen in der Schweiz zu beträchtlichen Erwerbsausfällen und verursachen hohe volkswirtschaftlich