Agrochemicals against malaria, sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis and Chagas disease (Publications)
In tropical regions, protozoan parasites can cause severe diseases with malaria, leishmaniasis, sleeping sickness, and Chagas disease standing in the forefront. Many of the drugs currently being used
Spatial epidemiology in zoonotic parasitic diseases: insights gained at the 1st International Symposium on Geospatial Health in Lijiang, China, 2007 (Publications)
ABSTRACT: The 1st International Symposium on Geospatial Health was convened in Lijiang, Yunnan province, People's Republic of China from 8 to 9 September, 2007. The objective was to review progress ma
Major surface glycoproteins of insect forms of <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> are not essential for cyclical transmission by tsetse (Publications)
Procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei reside in the midgut of tsetse flies where they are covered by several million copies of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins known as procyclins. It ha
ProCOC: the prostate cancer outcomes cohort study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Despite intensive research over the last several decades on prostate cancer, many questions particularly those concerning early diagnosis and the choice of optimal treatment for each indiv
A research agenda for malaria eradication: cross-cutting issues for eradication (Publications)
Discipline-specific Malaria Eradication Research Agenda (malERA) Consultative Groups have recognized several cross-cutting issues that must be addressed to prevent repetition of some of the mistakes o
A research agenda for malaria eradication: health systems and operational research (Publications)
Health systems research and development is needed to support the global malaria eradication agenda. In this paper, we (the malERA Consultative Group on Health Systems and Operational Research) focus o
Costs and consequences of large-scale vector control for malaria (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Five large insecticide-treated net (ITN) programmes and two indoor residual spraying (IRS) programmes were compared using a standardized costing methodology. METHODS: Costs were measured l