Building Resilient Health Systems (Page)
Building Resilient Health Systems Swiss TPH works across service delivery, health workforce development, information systems, medicines, health financing, leadership and governance to build resilient
World Malaria Day 2021: In the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic (Page)
Since 2000, historic successes have been achieved in the global fight against malaria. In the last decades, 7.6 million malaria deaths have been prevented and over 20 countries have been declared mala
Neglected Tropical Diseases: Then and Now (Page)
Concerted Efforts to Tackle Poverty-Related Diseases Momentum picked up in the year 2000, with the launch of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). With a target date of 2015, the MDG
HIV/AIDS Swiss TPH is committed to contributing to global efforts controlling the HIV/AIDS epidemic. We set a particular focus on equity in access to prevention and care with particular emphasis on di
Digital Health Unit (Page)
Unit | Digital Health Technology for Improved Health Systems Health systems are increasingly dependent on technology. Appropriate infrastructure, medical facilities and equipment, health devices, logi
Human Resources (Page)
Human Resources Our Swiss TPH work environment is very diverse and dynamic. Human Resources provides professional and efficient support to the various needs of the departments as well as to the employ
Lufthygiene als Erfolgsfaktor (Page)
Am 22. September 2021 hat die WHO die Welt mit ihrer Vorstellung von gesunder Luft konfrontiert [1]. Dabei hat sie mit dem Beitrag von Forschenden des Schweizerischen Tropen- und Public Health-Institu
Diseases and Programmes | Swiss TPH (Page)
Unit | Diseases and Programmes The Disease and Programmes unit provides implementation research, technical assistance and consulting services in the areas of disease control and elimination programmes
The power of film in research (Page)
I participated in the Digital Storytellers project in 2019, with the motivation to provide tangible insights into my research in Tanzania and the surrounding setting as well as to showcase the linkage