Caught in action: mechanistic insights into antibody-mediated inhibition of <em>Plasmodium merozoite</em> invasion (Publications)
Apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1) plays an essential role in host cell invasion by apicomplexan parasites. A recent study by Collins et al. investigated the mode of action of an anti-AMA1 invasion-inhi
Epidemiology and control of mekongi schistosomiasis (Publications)
Since the first case of Schistosoma mekongi infection was reported in 1957, control measures have been implemented in Laos and in Cambodia. Operational research provided the necessary information on p
Synthesis and structure-activity analysis of new phosphonium salts with potent activity against African trypanosomes (Publications)
A series of 73 bisphosphonium salts and 10 monophosphonium salt derivatives were synthesized and tested in vitro against several wild type and resistant lines of Trypanosoma brucei (T. b. rhodesiense
Genome-based health literacy: a new challenge for public health genomics (Publications)
So far health literacy has not been sufficiently discussed in the context of public health genomics. Primarily, not genomic but rather genome-based health information needs to be addressed taking into
Informed choices for attaining the Millennium Development Goals: towards an international cooperative agenda for health-systems research (Publications)
Health systems constraints are impeding the implementation of major global initiatives for health and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Research could contribute to overcoming