Project and Grant (Page)
Unit | Project and Grant The Project & Grant Unit (PGU) is keeping in touch with research, service and training project stakeholders globally – researchers and experts, partner and funding organisatio
eHealth Toolbox (Page)
eHealth Toolbox The Swiss TPH is expanding it's expertise in a range of proven ICT applications valuable for projects in resource constrained settings and actively promotes and contributes to the deve
Security Commission (Page)
Health and Safety Committee Work at Swiss TPH is associated with particular dangers and risks, including information (technology) risks, the use of hazardous biological or chemical agents and travelli
Media Releases (Page)
Media Releases 20.01.2023 Experts Call for Enhanced Cooperation Between Human, Animal and Environmental Health 20.12.2022 Promising Antimalarial Drug Proves Ineffective at Saving Children’s Lives 30.1
Pesticide use in tropical settings (Page)
PESTROP - Pesticide Use in Tropical Settings PESTROP is an inter- and transdisciplinary research project, studying environmental, health and institutional dimensions of pesticide use in tropical setti
SWIFS (Page)
Swiss Infant Feeding Study – SWIFS Downloads Schlussbericht SWIFS Zusammenfassung Studienresultate D Executive Summary E Wissenschaftliche Studienbeschreibung Ernährungsrichtlinien Fragebogen der Stud
News | Swiss TPH (Page)
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Multiscale transmission dynamics of rabies in Africa: The urban-rural interface (Page)
Dog mediated rabies, although entirely preventable, kills every year over 25,000 people in Africa. It has been demonstrated that rabies transmission can be interrupted with successful dog mass vaccina
Systems Thinking Tools (Page)
Catalogue of Systems Thinking Tools Catalogue of Systems Thinking Tools Tool Description Possible Use How Useful Resources Evidence Causal Loop Diagram CLD is an analytical tool to document, model, an
Sanfte Löwin (Page)
Wenn Rea Tschopp von ihrem Leben erzählt, tut sie das mit leiser, ruhiger Stimme – als hätte sie nichts Besonderes zu berichten. Dabei ist ihre Biografie alles andere als gewöhnlich: Die 47-jährige Sc