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Ein Fall von nicht-tropischem Amöbenabszess der Leber (Publications)
Untersuchungen an Arten der Simulium alcocki-Gruppe aus Tansania, Ostafrika, und Beschreibung von zwei neuen Spezies (Publications)
Projet Mangoky : lutte contre les schistosomiases dans le Bas-Mangoky (Madagascar) (Publications)
Morphometric analysis of the midgut of female <em>Aedes aegypti</em> (L.) (Insecta, Diptera) under various physiological conditions (Publications)
Amibiase et amibes (Publications)
Diagnose, Behandlung und Prophylaxe der Malaria (Publications)
Resolution and properties of the proteinases in the larva of the mosquito, <em>Aedes aegypti</em> (Publications)
Antigenic variants in cyclically transmitted strains of the <em>T. brucei</em> complex (Publications)
Morphometrie: quantitative Aussagen zur Morphometrie von Krankheitserregern und Überträgern (Publications)
Dynamics of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer) in midgut cells of the mosquito <em>Aedes aegypti</em> L. (Publications)