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Gesundheit im Kanton Basel-Stadt: Bericht über den Gesundheitszustand der Bevölkerung von Basel-Stadt (Publications)
The role of macrophages in demyelinating peripheral nervous system of mice heterozygously deficient in p0 (Publications)
Improving DOTS for tuberculosis control: research findings from metropolitan Manila, Philippines (Publications)
Factors associated with non-compliance with anti-TB treatment in Manila, Philippines (Publications)
Verlauf eines Impfprogrammes im Armenviertel "Smokey Mountain" in Metro Manila von 1988-1991 (Publications)
Antimalarial 2-aminopyridine MMV390048 clinical candidate: discovery and target identification studies (Publications)
Meningococcal meningitis in Northern Ghana: epidemiological and clinical features, risk factors, survival and sequelae (Publications)
Help-seeking for pre-ulcer and ulcer conditions of Buruli ulcer disease in Ghana (Publications)
Socially marketed treated nets and child survival in Southern Tanzania (Publications)
Blutvolumenbestimmung unter gleichzeitiger Markierung von Plasma (125 J Albumin) und Erythrozyten (51 Cr) mit Hilfe des Volemetrons bei Patienten (Publications)