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Novel approaches in the control of schistosomiasis: from rapid identification to chemoprophylaxis (Publications)
Disseminated tuberculosis in an HIV-infected child: rifampicin resistance detected by GeneXpert in a lymph node aspirate but not in cerebrospinal... (Publications)
Potential impact of climate change and water resources development on the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in China (Publications)
Costs and consequences of malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa: the economics of vector control and parasitological diagnosis (Publications)
Mathematical modelling of dye-sensitised solar cells (Publications)
Measures of exposure in air pollution epidemiology and health risk assessment (Publications)
Introducing insecticide treated mosquito nets in the Kilombero valley (Tanzania) social and cultural dimensions (Publications)
Evaluation of the implementation of health interventions and their impact on child survival in Tanzania (Publications)
The development and implementation of a public health strategy: cost and health system analysis of intermittent preventive treatment in infants (Publications)
Meningococcal and pneumococcal meningitis in Northern Ghana (Publications)