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Blood pressure in Swiss adolescents - how well does the school health screening inform us? (Publications)
Preclinical malaria drug development: data and modeling as a decision support tool (Publications)
Use of innovative immunization technology to generate serotype-specific monoclonal antibodies against the dengue virus NS1 glycoprotein (Publications)
Analysis of out-of-pocket expenditures in rural Tajikistan: magnitude, perception and impact on patients with chronic dieseases (Publications)
Analysis of select exported proteins in <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>gametcytes (Publications)
Effects of non-standardized approaches for analyzing unavailable data in trials on HIV: a meta-epidemiological analysis (Publications)
Studies on interaction of PHIST proteins with the host cytoskeleton and the VAR2CSA-encoded PfEMP1 (Publications)
Validating the use of pregnant women as a sentinel population for malaria surveillance in Tanzania (Publications)
Combining area-wide mosquito repellents and long-range attractants to creat a "push-pull" system that protects against disease transmitting mosquitoes... (Publications)
Examining the vertical gradient of nitrogen dioxide: height as predictive factor in air pollution modelling (Publications)