The effect of community-driven larval source management and house improvement on malaria transmission when added to the standard malaria control... (Publications)
sufficient for malaria elimination. The effects of community-based house improvement (HI) and larval source management (LSM) as supplementary interventions to the Malawi National Malaria Control Programme [...] tion indicated a promising reduction in malaria transmission for the area, but also limited the usefulness of this outcome for measuring differences in malaria transmission among the trial arms. Trial [...] bed net use, neither community-based HI, LSM, nor HI + LSM contributed to further...
Early whole blood transcriptional responses to radiation-attenuated <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> sporozoite vaccination in malaria naive and malaria... (Publications)
radiation-attenuated P. falciparum sporozoites were analysed and compared across malaria-naive adult participants (IMRAS) and malaria-experienced adult participants (BSPZV1). Parasite dose and method of delivery [...] despite stark differences between the two studies, including route of vaccination and status of malaria exposure, responses were identified that were associated with protection after PfRAS vaccination
Evaluation of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in two areas of intense seasonal malaria transmission: secondary analysis of a household-randomised,... (Publications)
s 0.13 (95% CI: 0.08, 0.20), P < 0.001 for malaria hospitalisations and deaths from malaria and 0.21 (95% CI 0.20, 0.23), P < 0.001 for uncomplicated malaria, indicating protective efficacy of 87.4% (95% [...] BACKGROUND: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is now widely deployed in the Sahel, including several countries that are major contributors to the global burden of malaria. Consequently, it is important [...] coverage and high adherence to SMC, the incidence of hospitalisations or...
Effectiveness of the innovative 1,7-malaria reactive community-based testing and response (1, 7-mRCTR) approach on malaria burden reduction in... (Publications)
n Tanzania to explore a new model for reducing malaria burden and possibly scaling-out the approach into other malaria-endemic countries. The 1,7-malaria Reactive Community-based Testing and Response (1 [...] activities implemented in the intervention arm included community testing and treatment of malaria infection. Malaria case-to-suspect ratios at health facilities (HF) were aggregated by villages, weekly to [...] wards to assess the change in malaria prevalence measured by the interaction...
Patterns of human exposure to malaria vectors in Zanzibar and implications for malaria elimination efforts (Publications)
study for malaria elimination. The islands have experienced a dramatic reduction in malaria burden since the introduction of effective vector control interventions and case management. Malaria prevalence [...] sleep. Supplemental interventions targeting outdoor exposure to malaria vectors, and groups that may be at increased risk of exposure to malaria vectors, should be explored. [...] for elimination. METHODS: To better understand factors that may contribute to remaining low-level malaria...
History of malaria control in Tajikistan and rapid malaria appraisal in an agro-ecological setting (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Reported malaria cases in rice growing areas in western Tajikistan were at the root of a rapid appraisal of the local malaria situation in a selected agro-ecological setting where only scarce [...] by a review of the epidemiology and control of malaria in Tajikistan and Central Asia from 1920 until today. Following a resurgence in the 1990s, malaria transmission has been reduced considerably in [...] Plasmodium falciparum persist. METHODS: The rapid malaria appraisal was carried out...
Increased use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests improves targeting of anti-malarial treatment in rural Tanzania: implications for nationwide rollout... (Publications)
Health Organization recommends parasitological confirmation of all malaria cases. Tanzania is implementing a phased rollout of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for routine use in all levels of care [...] confirmation of malaria diagnosis. This study was carried out to evaluated artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) prescribing patterns in febrile patients with and without uncomplicated malaria in one pre-RDT [...] and low malaria transmission seasons in 2010 in both areas. Clinical...