Searched for malaria.
Geographical patterns and predictors of parasitaemia risk and haemoglobin level: model-based mapping using the Zambia malaria indicator survey (MIS)... (Publications)
The simulation of larval control in malaria (Publications)
Quantification of key operational parameters of the Tanzanian National Voucher Scheme (TNVS) to protect pregnant women and infants against malaria (Publications)
Avian malaria in the African black-footed penguin in the Zoo Basel (Publications)
Bionomics and ecology of Anophelines in the Namawala area (Kilombero District, Tanzania): a trial with impregnated bednets on the abundance and spects... (Publications)
Routine malaria monitoring in children under five years in Tanzania (Publications)
Simulation of malaria in the Usambara mountains of Tanzania (Publications)
WHO Collaborating Centre for Modelling, Monitoring and Training for Malaria Control and Elimination (Page) -
Epidemiologische, klinische und therapeutische Aspekte der Malaria in der Schweiz in den Jahren 1974 bis 1976 (Publications)
Incidence of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infection and disease among infants living in a rural area under intense and perennial malaria... (Publications)