Histone methyltransferase inhibitors are orally bioavailable, fast acting molecules with activity against different species causing malaria in humans (Publications)
antimalarials are under continuous threat due to the relentless development of drug resistance by malaria parasites. We previously reported promising in vitro parasite killing activity with the histone
The use of untreated bednets and malaria infection, morbidity and immunity (Publications)
bednets. Thus, untreated bednets do not reduce malaria transmission sufficiently to decrease morbidity. They might paradoxically increase the risk of clinical malaria by lowering the development of humoral immunity
Health workers' use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) to guide clinical decision making in rural dispensaries, Tanzania (Publications)
alternative to microscopy for malaria diagnosis. The RDTs detect malaria parasite antigen(s) in whole blood with high sensitivity and specificity. We assessed health worker malaria treatment practices after [...] received training on how to perform RDTs for patients 5 years of age or older with fever or suspected malaria. Children < 5 years of age were to be treated empirically per national guidelines. Among the 30,195 [...] 195 patients seen at these 12 health facilities, 10,737 (35.6%) were...