Relationship between child survival and malaria transmission: an analysis of the malaria transmission intensity and mortality burden across Africa... (Publications)
relationship between malaria mortality and levels of transmission is unclear. Due to methodological limitations, earlier efforts to assess the linkage have lead to inconclusive results. The malaria transmission [...] assessing the malaria transmission-mortality relation involves more than the knowledge on the performance of interventions and control measures. This relation depends on the levels of malaria endemicity and [...] age and insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), were fitted to assess the...
Malaria risk in Nigeria: Bayesian geostatistical modelling of 2010 malaria indicator survey data (Publications)
2010, the National Malaria Control Programme with the support of Roll Back Malaria partners implemented a nationally representative Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS), which assembled malaria burden and control [...] ic predictors of malaria risk. The population adjusted risk estimates ranges from 6.46% in Lagos state to 43.33% in Borno. Interventions appear to not have important effect on malaria risk. The odds of [...] and living in rural areas increases the odds of testing positive to malaria...
Disparities of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infection, malaria-related morbidity and access to malaria prevention and treatment among school-aged... (Publications)
There is limited knowledge on the malaria burden of school-aged children in Cote d'Ivoire. The aim of this study was to assess Plasmodium falciparum infection, malaria-related morbidity, use of preventive [...] preventive measures and treatment against malaria, and physical access to health structures among school-aged children across Cote d'Ivoire. METHODS: A national, cross-sectional study was designed, consisting [...] were interviewed to determine household socioeconomic status,...
Comprehensive sterilization of malaria vectors using pyriproxyfen: a step closer to malaria elimination (Publications)
One of the main challenges to malaria elimination is the resilience of vectors, such as Anopheles arabiensis, that evade lethal exposure to insecticidal control measures or express resistance to their
Acridine Orange for malaria diagnosis: its diagnostic performance, its promotion and implementation in Tanzania, and the implications for malaria... (Publications)
for the organization of health services and the provision of effective treatment of malaria cases. The national malaria control programme of Tanzania, together with the Japan International Co-operation Agency [...] One hundred years ago, Giemsa's stain was employed for the first time for malaria diagnosis. Giemsa staining continues to be the method of choice in most malarious countries, although, in the recent past [...] Acridine Orange (AO). The literature on the discovery, development and...