The low and declining risk of malaria in travellers to Latin America: is there still an indication for chemoprophylaxis? (Publications)
was made between local malaria transmission and malaria imported by travellers to identify the utility of national and regional annual parasite index (API) in predicting malaria risk and its value in [...] generating recommendations on malaria prophylaxis for travellers.Regional malaria transmission data was correlated with malaria acquired in Latin America and imported into the USA and nine European countries [...] countries reported declining malaria transmission. Highest API's in 2003/4 were...
The architecture and effect of participation: a systematic review of community participation for communicable disease control and elimination.... (Publications)
successful disease control and elimination campaigns in many countries. Despite this, its benefits for malaria control and elimination are yet to be fully realized. This may be due to a limited understanding [...] participation for communicable disease control and elimination and provide guidance for the current malaria elimination campaign. METHODS: Evidence derived from quantitative research was considered both i [...] communicable disease control and elimination which is presented herein....
The synthetic<em> Plasmodium falciparum</em> circumsporozoite peptide PfCS102 as a malaria vaccine candidate: a randomized controlled phase I trial (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (PfCS102) in malaria naive adults. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Thirty-six healthy malaria-naive adults were randomly distributed into three dose blocks [...] BACKGROUND: Fully efficient vaccines against malaria pre-erythrocytic stage are still lacking. The objective of this dose/adjuvant-finding study was to evaluate the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity
Effectiveness of combined intermittent preventive treatment for children and timely home treatment for malaria control (Publications)
awaiting for the arrival of an effective and affordable malaria vaccine, there is a need to make use of the available control tools to reduce malaria risk, especially in children under five years and pregnant [...] important component of the malaria control strategy. This study explored the potential of a strategy of intermittent preventive treatment for children (IPTC) and timely treatment of malaria-related febrile illness [...] of febrile malaria illness, impacts significantly on the parasite...
Improvements in access to malaria treatment in Tanzania following community, retail sector and health facility interventions - a user perspective (Publications)
Treatment-seeking and awareness of malaria was already high at baseline, but various improvements were seen between 2004 and 2008, namely: better understanding causes of malaria (from 62% to 84%); an increase [...] approach aimed at improving understanding and treatment of malaria has led to tangible improvements in terms of people's actions for the treatment of malaria. However, progress was hindered by the low availability [...] BACKGROUND: The ACCESS programme aims at understanding and...
Improvements in access to malaria treatment in Tanzania after switch to artemisinin combination therapy and the introduction of accredited drug... (Publications)
Dispensing Outlets (ADDO) was created in Tanzania. Tanzania changed its first-line treatment for malaria from sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) to artemether-lumefantrine (ALu) in 2007. Subsidized ALu was [...] made available in both health facilities and ADDOs. The effect of these interventions on access to malaria treatment was studied in rural Tanzania. METHODS: The study was carried out in the villages of Kilombero [...] outlets. The data were complemented with DSS population data. RESULTS:...
Models for short term malaria prediction in Sri Lanka (Publications)
time series of district malaria cases for their ability to predict the number of malaria cases one to four months ahead. The addition of covariates such as the number of malaria cases in neighbouring districts [...] monitored/diagnosed malaria cases allows for the study of forecasting models, with an aim to developing a forecasting system which could assist in the efficient allocation of resources for malaria control. METHODS: [...] BACKGROUND: Malaria in Sri Lanka is unstable and fluctuates in...
Social and cultural aspects of 'malaria' and its control in central Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
behaviour is important for the effective control of malaria. The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs of 'malaria' and its control in two rural communities of central [...] employing a household asset-based approach. RESULTS: Malaria was identified as djekouadjo, the local folk name of the disease. Although people were aware of malaria-related symptoms and their association with [...] central Cote d'Ivoire, and to examine associations between 'mala...