Searched for malaria.
Amplified fragment length polymorphism mapping of quantitative trait loci for malaria parasite susceptibility in the yellow fever mosquito <em>Aedes... (Publications)
Determining the optimal mix of malaria control interventions in the highlands of western Kenya through simulation models (Publications)
Correction of plasma ferritin concentrations for sub-clinical inflammation in a malaria-endemic area of Côte d'ivoire (Publications)
Mass screening and treatment for <em>P. falciparum</em> malaria: how effective is it likely to be? (Publications)
Evidence for optimal allocation of malaria interventions in Africa [Comment] (Publications)
Applications and limitations of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention miniature light traps for measuring biting densities of African malaria... (Publications)
Consistently high baseline estimates for the proportion of human exposure to rural African malaria vector populations that occurred indoors (Publications)
Modeling the effects of ITNS and IRS in reducing malaria transmission and disease (Publications)
<em>Plasmodium vivax</em> in Papua New Guinea: molecular epidemiology in a population with high endemicity of two malaria species (Publications)
The probability of acute malaria illness following <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> primary infection and relapse in a cohort of children in Papua New Guinea (Publications)