Science of Eradication: Malaria (Courses)
Eradication: Malaria Core Course is an intensive weeklong foundational leadership development course that provides participants with a multidisciplinary perspective on approaches to malaria elimination
Malaria eradication requires more than magic bullets (Page)
From 2000-2021, 1.5 billion malaria cases and 7.6 million malaria deaths have been averted. This should be a strong motivator to up our collective game. The road ahead for malaria elimination was well summarized [...] However, malaria transmission remains intense and devastating in some parts of the world, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. "Clearly, a change is required to reach the ultimate goal of malaria eradication [...] the impressive successes of malaria control from 2000-2015 in endemic...
There is no excuse for the world to still have malaria (Page)
Carine Weiss talks to Professor Christian Lengeler about his passion for malaria research and how the current pandemic is affecting malaria prevention and treatment. Listen to the podcast now. Professor Christian [...] of tropical diseases, with a strong focus on malaria. Among other things, he worked on the development of insecticide treated nets (ITNs) as a means of malaria control and has been involved in the establishment [...] the Swiss Malaria Group , which brings together research...
Malaria Modelling Resource Centre (Page)
Malaria Modelling Resource Centre Course in Malaria Modelling The Malaria Modelling Resource Centre provides an outreach and response capacity to the malaria intervention community. Our aim is to make [...] to the wider malaria research-, development-, and implementation communities, and to respond to specific requests for advice. The Resource Centre is built around the use of the OpenMalaria modelling platform [...] platform. An introduction to the use of malaria models is presented as part of...
First Malaria Vaccine Recommended for Children by the WHO (Page)
first for malaria — it is the first developed for any parasitic disease. This day was made possible through decades-long research and teaching commitments to advance malaria eradication. Malaria remains [...] disease,” said Christian Lengeler, a malaria epidemiologist at Swiss TPH and President of the Swiss Malaria Group. “With a moderate efficacy of 30% of severe malaria cases, the new vaccine still makes a [...] First Malaria Vaccine Recommended for Children by the WHO 07.10.2021 Yesterday,...
Malaria Trends in DRC (Page)
Malaria Trends in DRC 09.02.2017 by Sabina Beatrice-Matter The Swiss TPH conducted a large-scale assessment of trends in malaria morbidity in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from 2005 to 2015 together [...] the National Malaria Control Program of Congo DRC, the Department of Health Information Systems and the Kinshasa School of Public Health. Number of monthly suspected cases tested for malaria stratified by [...] sharp increase of confirmed malaria cases after the introduction of rapid...
Malaria Photo and Video Contest (Page)
The Swiss Malaria Group and its partners are launching a worldwide #EndMalaria Photo and Video Contest. All Swiss TPH News Malaria Malaria Photo and Video Contest 16.01.2017 by Konstantina Boutsika Participate [...] pictures will be featured widely in malaria-relevant events and documents. Deadline is the 1st of March 2017, so that the winners can be announced for World Malaria Day 2017. We are looking for powerful [...] powerful images within three thematic categories that tell stories about ma...
Mehr Innovation – Weniger Armut: Basler Institutionen spielen gegen Malaria auf (Page)
Wissenschaft und globalem Engagement zur Bekämpfung von Malaria in ärmeren Ländern ein. Anlässlich des 10. Welt-Malaria-Tags zeigen die Swiss Malaria Group Mitglieder, Novartis, Syngenta, Clariant, Medicus [...] eine Welt ohne Malaria und damit auch für eine Welt mit weniger Armut. Denn Malaria und Armut sind eng miteinander verknüpft. Wenn sich ein Kleinbauer während der Erntezeit mit Malaria infiziert, kann [...] Engagement zu verstärken, um Malaria als globales Problem endlich Geschichte...
Sporozoite immunization: innovative translational science to support the fight against malaria (Publications)
'sporozoites,' 'malaria,' and 'vaccines.' EXPERT OPINION: First generation (radiation-attenuated) PfSPZ vaccines are safe, well tolerated, 80-100% efficacious against homologous controlled human malaria infection [...] INTRODUCTION: Malaria, a devastating febrile illness caused by protozoan parasites, sickened 247,000,000 people in 2021 and killed 619,000, mostly children and pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa. A highly [...] effective vaccine is urgently needed, especially for Plasmodium...