Sub-national stratification of malaria risk in mainland Tanzania: a simplified assembly of survey and routine data (Publications)
Recent malaria control efforts in mainland Tanzania have led to progressive changes in the prevalence of malaria infection in children, from 18.1% (2008) to 7.3% (2017). As the landscape of malaria transmission [...] incidence and fever test positivity rate for the period 2016-2017 as well as confirmed malaria incidence and malaria positivity in pregnant women for the period 2015-2017 were obtained from routine district [...] survey malaria information was developed. This pragmatic approach can...
Antigen-stimulated PBMC transcriptional protective signatures for malaria immunization (Publications)
accelerates and streamlines the development of vaccines. RTS,S/AS01E, the most clinically advanced malaria vaccine, has moderate efficacy in African children. In contrast, immunization with sporozoites under [...] cohorts and three African countries participating in an RTS,S/AS01E pediatric phase 3 trial and malaria-naïve individuals participating in a CPS trial. We identified both preimmunization and postimmunization
Insights into the biology and insecticide susceptibility of the secondary malaria vector <em>Anopheles parensis</em> in an area with long-term use of... (Publications)
at least 11 sibling species, with Anopheles funestus Giles being the most studied and significant malaria vector. Other species, like Anopheles parensis, are understudied despite their potential role in [...] lity of An. parensis. Primarily feeding on non-human hosts, An. parensis is less significant in malaria transmission than more anthropophilic vectors. Unlike the pyrethroid-resistant An. funestus sensu [...] findings provide a foundation for future research and may inform control strategies...
Determinants of malaria infection among under five children in Gursum district of Somali region, eastern Ethiopia (Publications)
and not receiving malaria health information [AOR = 2.12 (1.06-4.21)]. Additionally, proximity to malaria vector breeding habitats [AOR = 4.74 (2.27-9.90)] was significant for malaria positivity. These [...] as the primary determinants of malaria positivity among U5 children in the Gursum district. CONCLUSION: The study indicates that critical factors contributing to malaria positivity among U5 children in [...] BACKGROUND: Despite significant efforts to control malaria infections in recent...
The influence of jittering DHS cluster locations on geostatistical model-based estimates of malaria risk in Cameroon (Publications)
surveys such as the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and the Malaria Indicator Surveys (MIS) are routinely carried out to assess the malaria risk and the coverage of related interventions. A two-stage sampling [...] the influence of jittering on the estimates of the geographical distribution of malaria risk and on the effects of malaria control interventions using data from the latest MIS in Cameroon. Methods We generated [...] geostatistical variable selection was applied to identify the...
The impact of reactive case detection on malaria transmission in Zanzibar in the presence of human mobility (Publications)
Malaria persists at low levels on Zanzibar despite the use of vector control and case management. We use a metapopulation model to investigate the role of human mobility in malaria persistence on Zanzibar [...] parameterized using survey data on malaria prevalence, reactive case detection, and travel history. We find that in the absence of imported cases from mainland Tanzania, malaria would likely cease to persist [...] rapid diagnostic tests, a low rate of those infected with malaria seeking...
A review of malaria epidemiology and control in Papua New Guinea 1900 to 2021: progress made and future directions (Publications)
been four major periods of malaria control in PNG, with the current control programme having commenced in 2004. Each previous control programme was successful in reducing malaria burden in the country, but [...] al drivers of malaria transmission in PNG. Evaluations of historical control programs reveal poor planning and communication, and di culty in sustaining financial investment once malaria burden had decreased [...] The research and control of malaria has a long history in Papua New...
Accelerated development of malaria monoclonal antibodies (Publications)
healthy adults.(1) These promising results are the first of many to usher in a potential new era of malaria prevention.