Field evaluation of a volatile pyrethroid spatial repellent and etofenprox treated clothing for outdoor protection against forest malaria vectors in... (Publications)
Cambodia's goal to eliminate malaria by 2025 is challenged by persistent transmission in forest and forest fringe areas, where people are exposed to Anopheles mosquito bites during the day and night. Volatile [...] the potential to reduce outdoor and daytime Anopheles biting, offering valuable contributions to malaria elimination efforts in Cambodia and the Greater Mekong Subregion, contingent upon achieving effective
Identification of potent and reversible piperidine carboxamides that are species-selective orally active proteasome inhibitors to treat malaria (Publications)
Malaria remains a global health concern as drug resistance threatens treatment programs. We identified a piperidine carboxamide (SW042) with anti-malarial activity by phenotypic screening. Selection of [...] Pf_proteasome β5 active-site (Pfβ5). A potent analog (SW584) showed efficacy in a mouse model of human malaria after oral dosing. SW584 had a low propensity to generate resistance (minimum inoculum for resistance
Severe coinfection of dengue and malaria: a case report (Publications)
substantial improvement in the diagnostic capacity. ABSTRACT: Here we report a case of dengue and malaria coinfection from the southeast region of Sudan, bordering Ethiopia and Eritrea. A 25-year-old male [...] vomiting, and muscle and joint pain. Laboratory investigations confirmed a coinfection of dengue and malaria, which is assumingly not uncommon in areas heavily syndemic with several diseases but it is severely [...] The case has fully recovered after the supportive care for dengue and...
Combined use of long-lasting insecticidal nets and <em>Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis</em> larviciding, a promising integrated approach against... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The recent reduction in malaria burden in Côte d'Ivoire is largely attributable to the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). However, this progress is threatened by insecticide resistance [...] resistance and behavioral changes in Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) populations and residual malaria transmission, and complementary tools are required. Thus, this study aimed to assess the efficacy [...] determined using a polymerase chain reaction technique. Plasmodium...
Key factors predicting suspected severe malaria case management and health outcomes: an operational study in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Publications)
Artesunate (RAS) can be a life-saving intervention for severe malaria in remote settings in Africa. Recognition of danger signs indicative of severe malaria is critical for prompt and appropriate case management [...] of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to determine the distribution of dangers signs for severe malaria and assess their impact on RAS use, referral completion, injectable treatment and ACT provision, [...] that mortality was higher in children not receiving RAS (aOR = 1.50, 95%...
Participatory approaches for raising awareness among subsistence farmers in Tanzania about the spread of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors and... (Publications)
pesticide awareness, practices, and opinions of; insecticide resistance in malaria vectors; the effectiveness of current malaria prevention tools; and the links between agricultural and public health pesticide [...] three quarters had never heard of resistance in malaria mosquitoes. Experts from various sectors acknowledged that agricultural pesticides might impact malaria control through increasing resistance. They did [...] BACKGROUND: Insecticide resistance is a key barrier to long-term malar...
Malaria in Angola: recent progress, challenges and future opportunities using parasite demography studies (Publications)
of malaria interventions has occurred at the national level in Angola, together with cross-border initiatives and regional efforts in southern Africa. Currently, Angola aims to consolidate malaria control [...] heterogeneity in malaria prevalence among Angolan provinces, as well as internal population movements and migration across borders, represent major challenges for the Angolan National Malaria Control Programme [...] Programme. This review aims to contribute to the understanding of factors...
Genetically modified malaria parasites as vaccine candidates (Publications)
Induction of sterile immunity against sporozoite and liver stages of malaria is a long-standing aim in vaccine development. Genetically engineered, attenuated sporozoites were systematically evaluated
Volatile pyrethroid spatial repellents for malaria prevention (Publications)
spatial repellents (VPSRs) for preventing new cases of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria. Copyright © 2022 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.