The complex relationship of exposure to new <em>Plasmodium</em> infections and incidence of clinical malaria in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
The molecular force of blood-stage infection (molFOB) is a quantitative surrogate metric for malaria transmission at population level and for exposure at individual level. Relationships between molFOB
Global investment targets for malaria control and elimination between 2016 and 2030 (Publications)
Background: Access to malaria control interventions falls short of universal health coverage. The Global Technical Strategy for malaria targets at least 90% reduction in case incidence and mortality rates [...] to reach these targets will be determined in part by investments in malaria. This study estimates the financing required for malaria control and elimination over the 2016-2030 period. Methods: A mathematical [...] coverage on burden and costs. The cost analysis took a public provider...
State of inequality in malaria intervention coverage in sub-Saharan African countries (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Scale-up of malaria interventions over the last decade have yielded a significant reduction in malaria transmission and disease burden in sub-Saharan Africa. We estimated economic gradients [...] in coverage of malaria interventions and their distribution by wealth within and across countries. In most, economic gradients are lacking or favor the poorest for vector control; malaria services delivered [...] Using Demographic and Health Surveys we computed equity metrics to characterize...
Converging human and malaria vector diagnostics with data management towards an integrated holistic One Health approach (Publications)
Monitoring malaria prevalence in humans, as well as vector populations, for the presence of Plasmodium, is an integral component of effective malaria control, and eventually, elimination. In the field [...] precisely, the causative agent of fever, thereby differentiating among several candidate (also non-malaria) febrile diseases. This requires genetic-based pathogen identification and multiplexed analysis,
The underlying reasons for very high levels of bed net use, and higher malaria infection prevalence among bed net users than non-users in the... (Publications)
even suppress entire populations of malaria vectors that feed predominantly upon humans. Nevertheless, an epidemiological study in 2012 demonstrated higher malaria prevalence among bed net users than non-users [...] against malaria. Houses with well-screened windows, with doors that shut properly, and that use insecticidal sprays against mosquitoes, were said not to use bed nets, while frequent attacks from malaria was [...] compromise its effectiveness and supposedly increase of malaria...