Safety and protective efficacy of PfSPZ vaccine administered to HIV negative and positive Tanzanian adults (Publications)
PfSPZ Vaccine, composed of attenuated Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) sporozoites (SPZ), protects against malaria. We conducted this clinical trial to assess the safety and efficacy of PfSPZ Vaccine in HIV positive [...] ts received 5 doses of PfSPZ Vaccine or normal saline over 28 days followed by controlled human malaria infection (CHMI) 3 weeks later. RESULTS: There were no solicited adverse events in the 9 HIV- and
Sequence and diversity of T-cell receptor beta-chain V and J genes of the owl monkey <em>Aotus nancymaae</em> (Publications)
to infection with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and has therefore been recommended by the World Health Organization as a model for the evaluation of malaria vaccine candidates. Recently
Pathogens that cause acute febrile illness among children and adolescents in Burkina Faso, Madagascar and Sudan (Publications)
(11-19 years-old). Leading clinical diagnoses were respiratory tract infections [45.9% (282/615)], malaria [27.3% (168/615)], and gastrointestinal tract infections [10.7% (66/615)]. Through the TaqMan-Array [...] the most prevalent pathogen (10.2%). Overall, 69% (357/516) of patients with clinical diagnoses of malaria, respiratory, or gastrointestinal infections were prescribed a WHO-guideline-recommended empiric
Peri-domestic vector control interventions using attractive targeted sugar baits and push-pull strategies (Publications)
Great challenges to sustained malaria and arbovirus control remain, including transmission by vectors that occur outdoors or outside of sleeping hours, the enormous scale of larval breeding in urban centres [...] finding could potentially be due to the size of these studies, because community-level protection from malaria using removal trapping has been demonstrated.
<em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>infection and clinical indicators in relation to net coverage in central Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Sleeping under a net, particularly a long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN), is associated with reduced malaria morbidity and mortality, but requires high coverage and adherence. In this study, parasitologically [...] and associations with net coverage explored. In Bozi and Yoho, LLINs were provided by the national malaria control programme, prior to the study and an additional catch-up coverage was carried out in Bozi
Implementing new health interventions in developing countries: why do we lose a decade or more? (Publications)
We undertook an analysis of the time required to begin implementation of four vaccines and three malaria interventions. We evaluated five milestones for each intervention, and assessed if the milestones [...] implementing any of the vaccines, increasing to an average of only 4% of LICs after 10 years. Each malaria intervention was used by an average of 7% of LICs after five years and 37% after 10 years. Four of
Peri-domestic vector control interventions using attractive targeted sugar baits and push-pull strategies (Publications)
Great challenges to sustained malaria and arbovirus control remain, including transmission by vectors that occur outdoors or outside of sleeping hours, the enormous scale of larval breeding in urban centres [...] finding could potentially be due to the size of these studies, because community-level protection from malaria using removal trapping has been demonstrated.
Pathogens that cause acute febrile illness among children and adolescents in Burkina Faso, Madagascar and Sudan (Publications)
(11-19 years-old). Leading clinical diagnoses were respiratory tract infections [45.9% (282/615)], malaria [27.3% (168/615)], and gastrointestinal tract infections [10.7% (66/615)]. Through the TaqMan-Array [...] the most prevalent pathogen (10.2%). Overall, 69% (357/516) of patients with clinical diagnoses of malaria, respiratory, or gastrointestinal infections were prescribed a WHO-guideline-recommended empiric
<em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>infection and clinical indicators in relation to net coverage in central Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Sleeping under a net, particularly a long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN), is associated with reduced malaria morbidity and mortality, but requires high coverage and adherence. In this study, parasitologically [...] and associations with net coverage explored. In Bozi and Yoho, LLINs were provided by the national malaria control programme, prior to the study and an additional catch-up coverage was carried out in Bozi
Implementing new health interventions in developing countries: why do we lose a decade or more? (Publications)
We undertook an analysis of the time required to begin implementation of four vaccines and three malaria interventions. We evaluated five milestones for each intervention, and assessed if the milestones [...] implementing any of the vaccines, increasing to an average of only 4% of LICs after 10 years. Each malaria intervention was used by an average of 7% of LICs after five years and 37% after 10 years. Four of