Semi-field evaluation of freestanding transfluthrin passive emanators and the BG sentinel trap as a "push-pull control strategy" against <em>Aedes... (Publications)
push-pull system. Push-pull systems have been shown to reduce house entry and outdoor biting rates of malaria vectors and so have the potential to control other outdoor biting mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti
Mining Sudanese medicinal plants for antiprotozoal agents (Publications)
by either Chagas disease, African trypansomiasis or leishmaniasis, and more than 200 million by malaria. Most of the currently available drugs have drawbacks in terms of toxicity, limited oral availability
Progress in mosquito net coverage in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Since 2004, the Global Fund-supported National Malaria Control Programme of Papua New Guinea (PNG) has been implementing country-wide free long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) distribution
Causes of hospital admission among people living with HIV worldwide: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Publications)
admission, followed by malnutrition and wasting, haematological disorders, and, in the African region, malaria. Mortality in individuals admitted to hospital was 20% (95% CI 18-23, 12?902 deaths) for adults and
Patient variability in the blood-stage dynamics of <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>captured by clustering historical data (Publications)
(within-host models), and can predict the impact of control strategies that affect the blood-stage of malaria. However, the dynamics of P. falciparum blood-stage infections are highly variable between individuals
Pre-existing partner-drug resistance to artemisinin combination therapies facilitates the emergence and spread of artemisinin resistance: a consensus... (Publications)
artemisinin resistance. Each model simulates 100 000 individuals in a particular transmission setting (malaria prevalence of 1%, 5%, 10%, or 20%) with a daily time step that updates individuals' infection status
Protecting migratory farmers in rural Tanzania using eave ribbons treated with the spatial mosquito repellent, transfluthrin (Publications)
indoors and outdoors were monitored nightly (18.00-07.00 h) using CDC light traps and CO2-baited BG malaria traps, respectively. The second test compared efficacies of eave ribbons treated with 1.5% or 2.5%
Time series analysis of survival and oviposition cycle duration of <em>Anopheles funestus</em> (Giles) in Mozambique (Publications)
Survival and gonotrophic cycle duration are important determinants of the vectorial capacity of malaria vectors but there are a limited number of approaches to estimate these quantities from field data
<em>Plasmodium falciparum pfhrp2</em> and <em>pfhrp3</em> gene deletions among patients enrolled at 100 health facilities throughout Tanzania:... (Publications)
deletion surveillance strategy, 100 health facilities encompassing 10 regions of Tanzania enrolled malaria-suspected patients between February and July 2021. Of 7863 persons of all ages enrolled and providing
Availability of published evidence on coverage, cost components, and funding support for digitalisation of infectious disease surveillance in Africa,... (Publications)
(IQR: 5-40). Of the 27 projects, 5 (19%) were implemented for HIV/AIDs and tuberculosis, 4 (15%) for malaria, 4 (15%) for all notifiable diseases, and 4 (15%) for One Health. We identified 17 cost components