Stakeholders' opinions and questions regarding the anticipated malaria vaccine in Tanzania (Publications)
accept the malaria vaccine despite the need to continue using insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), while 88.4 % reported that they will accept malaria vaccine even if their children get malaria less often [...] opinions towards malaria vaccine were due to a need for additional malaria prevention strategies and expectations that the vaccine will reduce visits to the health facility, deaths, malaria episodes and [...] BACKGROUND: Within the context of combined interventions, malaria vaccine may...
Age and seasonal variation in the transition rates and detectability of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria (Publications)
of Plasmodium falciparum infections is unclear, although this is an important term in models of malaria transmission. It is problematical to determine the duration of infections because of the difficulty
MALVAC 2009: progress and challenges in development of whole organism malaria vaccines for endemic countries, 3-4 June 2009, Dakar, Senegal (Publications)
Research and development into whole organism malaria vaccines is progressing rapidly thanks to the major investments over recent years from several funders, and the commitment and interest of many leading
An immigration-death model to estimate the duration of malaria infection when detectability of the parasite is imperfect (Publications)
that allows for the accrual of infections with age. The models are fitted to a panel data set of malaria genotype of parasites belonging to the msp2 FC27 and 3D7 allelic families from a study of the dynamics
Does radical cure of asymptomatic <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> place adults in endemic areas at increased risk of recurrent symptomatic malaria? (Publications)
District (northern Ghana) was radically cured of malaria parasites to study subsequent incidence of malaria infection. During the following 20 weeks of the malaria transmission season, 49% experienced clinical [...] hypothesis that radical cure of P. falciparum enhances the risk and severity of subsequent clinical malaria attacks.
Malaria vaccine candidate: design of a multivalent subunit alpha-helical coiled coil poly-epitope (Publications)
identification of new malaria antigens based on protein structural motifs was previously described. We identified and evaluated the malaria vaccine potential of fragments of several malaria antigens containing [...] (PBMC) of adults living in malaria-endemic areas. Affinity purified antigen-specific human antibodies and sera from P181-immunized mice recognised native proteins on malaria-infected erythrocytes in both [...] antigen-specific human antibodies were at high titers and associated with...