Efficacy and safety of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for treatment of <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> malaria in endemic countries: meta-analysis of... (Publications)
the efficacy of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DHP) in treating uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax malaria in people living in endemic countries. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This is a meta-analysis [...] Findings document that DHP is more efficacious than CQ and AL in treating uncomplicated P. vivax malaria. The better safety profile of DHP and the once-daily dosage improves adherence, and its fixed co [...] the potential to become an alternative antimalarial drug for the treatment...
Orally active antischistosomal early leads identified from the open access malaria box (Publications)
drugs. METHODOLOGY: We studied the antischistosomal properties of the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) malaria box containing 200 diverse drug-like and 200 probe-like compounds with confirmed in vitro [...] respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The two candidates identified by investigating the MMV malaria box are characterized by good pharmacokinetic profiles, low cytotoxic potential and easy chemistry
Malaria case management in Papua New Guinea following the introduction of a revised treatment protocol (Publications)
fever or suspected malaria patients and via an interviewer administered questionnaire completed with the officer in charge of each participating health care facility. RESULTS: Malaria rapid diagnostic tests [...] 445) were tested for malaria by RDT and 39% prescribed an anti-malarial, inclusive of 98.2% of RDT positive patients and 19.8% of RDT negative cases. The availability and use of malaria RDTs was greater in [...] CONCLUSIONS: PNG has achieved high coverage of malaria RDTs and AL at the...
Naturally acquired immune responses to <em>P. vivax</em> merozoite surface protein 3alpha and merozoite surface protein 9 are associated with reduced... (Publications)
is the most geographically widespread human malaria parasite. Cohort studies in Papua New Guinea have identified a rapid onset of immunity against vivax-malaria in children living in highly endemic areas [...] and Merozoite Surface Protein 9 (PvMSP9) were measured and related to prospective risk of P. vivax malaria during 16 months of active follow-up. Overall, there was a low prevalence of antibodies to PvMSP3alpha [...] PvMSP9 N-terminus (aIRR = 0.68, p = 0.035) were associated with protection...
The contribution of reduction in malaria as a cause of rapid decline of under-five mortality: evidence from the Rufiji Health and Demographic... (Publications)
settings. Malaria-related mortality is known to be a major component of childhood causes of death and malaria remains a major focus of health interventions. The paper explored the contribution of malaria relative [...] remained the leading cause of death for neonates, malaria remains as the leading cause of death for post-neonates followed by pneumonia. However, declines in malaria death rates accounted for 49.9% of the observed [...] accounted for only 19.9%. CONCLUSION: To achieve MDG 4 in mal...
Investigating mosquito net durability for malaria control in Tanzania - attrition, bioefficacy, chemistry, degradation and insecticide resistance... (Publications)
(LLINs) are one of the major malaria vector control tools, with most countries adopting free or subsidised universal coverage campaigns of populations at-risk from malaria. It is essential to understand [...] data sets to provide GIS maps for use in health surveillance and decision making by the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP). DISCUSSION: The data will be of importance to policy makers and vector control [...] for the maintenance of high and cost-effective coverage and to maximise...
Transmission of malaria in relation to distribution and coverage of long-lasting insecticidal nets in central Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) is an effective malaria control strategy. However, there are challenges to achieve high coverage, such as distribution sustainability, and [...] study assessed the effect of LLINs coverage and contextual factors on entomological indicators of malaria in rural Côte d'Ivoire. METHODS: The study was carried out between July 2009 and May 2012 in three [...] of central Côte d'Ivoire. In Bozi and Yoho, LLINs were distributed free of charge...
Community response to intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi) in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Africa this article aims to investigate the acceptability of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi) in Papua New Guinea (PNG). METHODS: A questionnaire was administered to mothers [...] is little evidence that IPTi has negative impacts on attitudes to EPI, EPI adherence or existing malaria prevention practices. CONCLUSION: The degree of similarity between findings from the acceptability [...] health cultures, appears to be accepted easily and has little impact on...
Improving health worker adherence to malaria treatment guidelines in Papua New Guinea: feasibility and acceptability of a text message reminder... (Publications)
whether a text message reminder service designed to support health worker adherence to a revised malaria treatment protocol is feasible and acceptable in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The study took place in [...] resources. In conclusion, a text message reminder service to support health worker adherence to the new malaria treatment protocol is feasible and acceptable in PNG. A rigorous pragmatic, effectiveness trial would
Potential causes and consequences of behavioural resilience and resistance in malaria vector populations: a mathematical modelling analysis (Publications)
evade fatal exposure to insecticidal nets and sprays represents the primary obstacle to eliminating malaria. However, it remains unclear which behaviours are most important for buffering mosquito and parasite