A high-resolution geospatial surveillance-response system for malaria elimination in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu (Publications)
provinces of Isabel and Temotu, Solomon Islands and Tafea, Vanuatu. Confirmed malaria cases were reported to provincial malaria offices upon diagnosis and updated into the respective SDSS as part of routine [...] surveillance-response system has been developed within a geographic information system (GIS) to support malaria elimination in the Pacific. This paper examines the application of a GIS-based spatial decision support [...] support system (SDSS) to automatically locate and map the...
A research agenda for malaria eradication: monitoring, evaluation, and surveillance (Publications)
how well public health programs operate over time and achieve their goals. As countries approach malaria elimination, these activities will need to shift from measuring reductions in morbidity and mortality [...] there is a clear need to systematically review the information from past elimination efforts for malaria and other infectious diseases
Over-diagnosis of malaria by microscopy in the Kilombero Valley, Southern Tanzania: an evaluation of the utility and cost-effectiveness of rapid... (Publications)
is the most common form of malaria diagnosis, concerns over its accuracy have prompted the incorporation of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) into many national malaria control programmes. METHODS: [...] and accurate diagnosis of febrile patients is essential to treat uncomplicated malaria cases properly, prevent severe malaria, and avert unnecessary anti-malarial treatments. Improper use of anti-malarials [...] estimating the extent of malaria over-diagnosis and over-treatment with...
Population pharmacokinetics of mefloquine, piperaquine and artemether-lumefantrine in Cambodian and Tanzanian malaria patients (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Inter-individual variability in plasma concentration-time profiles might contribute to differences in anti-malarial treatment response. This study investigated the pharmacokinetics of thre
Malaria case management in Papua New Guinea prior to the introduction of a revised treatment protocol (Publications)
document malaria case management practices in Papua New Guinea prior to the introduction of a revised national malaria treatment protocol. The revised protocol stipulates routine testing of malaria infection [...] observation instrument. RESULTS: Overall, 15% of observed fever patients (n=468) were tested for malaria infection by rapid diagnostic test and a further 3.6% were tested via microscopy. An anti-malarial [...] what they might look like were discussed in only 1.1% of cases. CONCLUSION:...
Rapid urban malaria appraisal (RUMA) in sub-Saharan Africa (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The rapid urban malaria appraisal (RUMA) methodology aims to provide a cost-effective tool to conduct rapid assessments of the malaria situation in urban sub-Saharan Africa and to improve the [...] site, providing a good overview of the malaria situation. School and health facility-based surveys provided an overview of local endemicity and the overall malaria burden in different city areas. This helped [...] the understanding of urban malaria epidemiology. METHODS: This work was done...
Community-based surveillance of malaria vector larval habitats: a baseline study in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Publications)
minimal training and supervision in the first weeks of an operational urban malaria control program. METHODS: The Urban Malaria Control Programme of Dar es Salaam recruited and provided preliminary training [...] the population of Africa rapidly urbanizes it may be possible to protect large populations from malaria by controlling aquatic stages of mosquitoes. Here we present a baseline evaluation of the ability [...] CORPs at the start of the Dar es Salaam UMCP were insufficient to enable...
A research agenda for malaria eradication: vector control (Publications)
variety of malaria transmission environments present in the world today. In each setting, improved control for reduction of morbidity is a necessary first step towards the long-range goal of malaria eradication
Generalized seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models for count data with application to malaria time series with low case numbers (Publications)
The models were applied to monthly malaria case time series in a district in Sri Lanka, where malaria has decreased dramatically in recent years. RESULTS: The malaria series showed long-term changes in [...] INTRODUCTION: With the renewed drive towards malaria elimination, there is a need for improved surveillance tools. While time series analysis is an important tool for surveillance, prediction and for measuring [...] on in the series. CONCLUSIONS: G(S)ARIMA models may be particularly useful...
Inaugural meeting of the malaria policy advisory committee to the WHO: conclusions and recommendations (Publications)
conclusions and recommendations from that meeting, as part of the newly launched Malaria Journal thematic series "WHO Malaria Policy Advisory Committee: Reports and Recommendations".Summaries are provided [...] sessions on global malaria control, drug resistance and containment, rapid diagnostic test procurement criteria, larviciding, classification of countries for elimination, estimating malaria cases and deaths [...] The Malaria Policy Advisory Committee to the World Health Organization met...