Simulated impact of RTS,S/AS01 vaccination programs in the context of changing malaria transmission (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: The RTS,S/AS01 pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccine is in phase III clinical trials. It is critical to anticipate where and how it should be implemented if trials are successful. Such planning [...] planning may be complicated by changing levels of malaria transmission. METHODS/RESULTS: Computer simulations were used to examine RTS,S/AS01 impact, using a vaccine profile based on phase II trial results,
Age-patterns of malaria vary with severity, transmission intensity and seasonality in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and pooled analysis (Publications)
P. falciparum clinical malaria, hospital admissions with malaria and malaria-diagnosed mortality. Studies were allocated to a 3x2 matrix of intensity and seasonality of malaria transmission. Maximum likelihood [...] falciparum malaria were concentrated in the youngest age groups across all settings. Despite recently observed declines in malaria transmission in several countries, which will shift the burden of malaria cases [...] for each outcome. Clinical malaria incidence was relatively evenly...
Temporal correlation between malaria and rainfall in Sri Lanka (Publications)
potential use for malaria prediction. However, the relationship between rainfall and the number of malaria cases is indirect and complex. METHODS: The statistical relationships between monthly malaria case count
A low-cost mesocosm for the study of behaviour and reproductive potential in Afrotropical mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) vectors of malaria (Publications)
ss for use in experiments on behaviour, reproduction and adult survivorship in the Afrotropical malaria vector Anopheles gambiae s.s. Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) in temperate climates. The large space (82
Antibody and T cell responses associated with experimental human malaria infection or vaccination show limited relationships (Publications)
examined specific antibody and T cell responses associated with experimental malaria infection or malaria vaccination, in malaria-naive human volunteers within phase I/IIa vaccine trials, with a view to [...] investigating inter-relationships between these types of response. Malaria infection was via 5 bites of Plasmodium falciparum-infected mosquitos, with individuals reaching patent infection by 11-12 days [...] class switching was seen from an early IgM to an IgG1-dominant response of...
Pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics analysis of spiroindolone analogs and KAE609 in a murine malaria model (Publications)
selected class representative. Dose-response efficacy studies were conducted in the P. berghei murine malaria model and the relationship between dose and efficacy (i.e. reduction in parasitemia) was examined [...] of 30 are likely to result in maximum reduction in parasitemia in the P. berghei mouse model of malaria. This information could be used to prioritize analogs within the same class of compounds and contribute
Design of a phase III cluster randomized trial to assess the efficacy and safety of a malaria transmission blocking vaccine (Publications)
falciparum malaria transmission targeting sexual, sporogonic, or mosquito-stage antigens (SSM-VIMT) are currently under development to reduce malaria transmission. An international group of malaria experts [...] estimates suggest that such a trial is feasible, and within the range of previously supported trials of malaria interventions, although substantial issues to implementation exist.
Diagnostic accuracy of a LAMP kit for diagnosis of imported malaria in Switzerland (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of acute malaria in non-endemic countries is still carried out largely by microscopic examination of thick and thin smears or rapid diagnostic tests. Low-density infections might [...] METHOD: We examined the suitability of a new loop-mediated isothermal DNA-amplification kit (LAMP) for malaria diagnosis in febrile returning travellers in comparison to qPCR and microscopic examination in a [...] non-endemic setting at the Swiss TPH.RESULTS: Among 205 complete datasets,...