Fine-scale spatial and temporal heterogeneities in insecticide resistance profiles of the malaria vector,<em> Anopheles arabiensis</em> in rural... (Publications)
differences between districts, regions or countries. However, local heterogeneities in residual malaria transmission imply the need for finer-scale data. This study reports small-scale variations of i [...] villages across two seasons in Tanzania, where insecticidal bed nets are extensively used, but malaria transmission persists. Methods: WHO insecticide susceptibility assays were conducted on female and
Informing new or improved vector control tools for reducing the malaria burden in Tanzania: a qualitative exploration of perceptions of mosquitoes and... (Publications)
CONCLUSIONS: Outdoor transmission is widely accepted as an obstacle to malaria elimination. Larval source management, targeting both malaria vectors and nuisance-biting mosquitoes, is the preferred method for [...] BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of malaria prevention with long-lasting insecticidal nets and indoor residual spraying is limited by emerging insecticide resistance, evasive mosquito behaviours that include [...] to widespread environmental deterioration and lack of effective mosquito...
State of inequality in malaria intervention coverage in sub-Saharan African countries (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Scale-up of malaria interventions over the last decade have yielded a significant reduction in malaria transmission and disease burden in sub-Saharan Africa. We estimated economic gradients [...] in coverage of malaria interventions and their distribution by wealth within and across countries. In most, economic gradients are lacking or favor the poorest for vector control; malaria services delivered [...] Using Demographic and Health Surveys we computed equity metrics to characterize...
Mapping multiple components of malaria risk for improved targeting of elimination interventions (Publications)
component, related mappable malaria metrics are also described which may be measured and evaluated by malaria programmes seeking to better understand the determinants of malaria risk. Implementing tailored [...] There is a long history of considering the constituent components of malaria risk and the malaria transmission cycle via the use of mathematical models, yet strategic planning in endemic countries tends [...] tends not to take full advantage of available disease intelligence to tailor...
The ethics of health care delivery in a pediatric malaria vaccine trial: the perspectives of stakeholders from Ghana and Tanzania (Publications)
care to participants and communities of low-resource settings involved in a Phase II/III pediatric malaria vaccine trial (PMVT). We conducted 52 key informant interviews with major stakeholders of an int
Development of amplicon deep sequencing markers and data analysis pipeline for genotyping multi-clonal malaria infections (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Amplicon deep sequencing permits sensitive detection of minority clones and improves discriminatory power for genotyping multi-clone Plasmodium falciparum infections. New amplicon sequenci
malERA: an updated research agenda for malaria elimination and eradication (Publications)
burden and eliminating malaria through the "Global Technical Strategy" and 21 countries are aiming to eliminate malaria by 2020. The commitment to achieve these targets should be celebrated. However, the [...] goals, sustain elimination, and free the world of malaria is greater than ever. Over 180 experts across multiple disciplines are engaged in the Malaria Eradication Research Agenda (malERA) Refresh process [...] solved. The result is a research and development agenda to accelerate malaria...
Attacking the mosquito on multiple fronts: insights from the vector control optimization model (VCOM) for malaria elimination (Publications)
nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) in reducing malaria transmission, it is unlikely these tools will be sufficient to eliminate malaria transmission on their own in many settings today. Fortunately [...] performed for the main three malaria vectors in sub-Saharan Africa, Anopheles gambiae s.s, An. arabiensis and An. funestus. We considered areas having low, moderate and high malaria transmission, corresponding [...] however, there is growing evidence and consensus that effective...