Exploring the contributions of bed nets, cattle, insecticides and excitorepellency to malaria control: a deterministic model of mosquito host-seeking... (Publications)
Domestic and personal protection measures against malaria exposure either divert host-seeking vectors to other hosts or kill those attempting to feed. Here, we explicitly model mosquito host-seeking processes [...] technology and distribution systems for insecticide-treated nets improve, massive reductions in malaria transmission could be realised
Differential var gene expression in children with malaria and antidromic effects on host gene expression (Publications)
Among 62 children with mild malaria, cerebral malaria, or severe malarial anemia, we analyzed the transcription of different var gene types. There was no difference in parasitemia level or body temperature [...] expression pattern was observed in children with cerebral malaria, compared with that in patients in the other 2 groups: children with cerebral malaria had lower expression of the upsA subtype but higher expression
Dual plasmepsin-targeting antimalarial agents disrupt multiple stages of the malaria parasite life cycle (Publications)
Artemisin combination therapy (ACT) is the main treatment option for malaria, which is caused by the intracellular parasite Plasmodium. However, increased resistance to ACT highlights the importance of [...] achievable. Together, these show that dual PMIX and PMX inhibitors are promising candidates for malaria treatment and prevention.
Applied mathematical modelling to inform national malaria policies, strategies and operations in Tanzania (Publications)
data, and analytical tools for developing malaria control strategies as the heterogeneity in malaria risk within countries is increasing, and the available malaria control tools are expanding while large [...] the revision of the national malaria strategic plan with interventions targeted to the malaria risk at the sub-regional level. As part of the revision, a mathematical malaria modelling framework for setting [...] study article describes the long-term use of modelling in close collaboration...
Epitope mapping and fine specificity of human T and B cell responses for novel candidate blood-stage malaria vaccine P27A (Publications)
novel synthetic malaria vaccine candidate derived from the blood stage Plasmodium falciparum protein Trophozoite Exported Protein 1 (TEX1/PFF0165c). In phase 1a/1b clinical trials in malaria unexposed adults [...] adults in Switzerland and in malaria pre-exposed adults in Tanzania, P27A formulated with Alhydrogel and GLA-SE adjuvants induced antigen-specific antibodies and T-cell activity. The GLA-SE adjuvant induced
Contrasting vector competence of three main East African <em>Anopheles</em> malaria vector mosquitoes for <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> (Publications)
three malaria vector species may contribute to malaria transmission in East Africa, with An. funestus demonstrating superior vector competence. In conclusion, there is a need for comprehensive malaria control [...] control strategies targeting major malaria vector species, an update of malaria transmission models to consider vector competence and evaluation of malaria transmission blocking interventions in assays that [...] majority of malaria transmission, posing a significant public health...
Comparison of fine-scale malaria strata derived from population survey data collected using RDTs, microscopy and qPCR in south-eastern Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria-endemic countries are increasingly adopting data-driven risk stratification, often at district or higher regional levels, to guide their intervention strategies. The data typically
Therapeutic development to accelerate malaria control through intentional intervention layering (Publications)
significant advancements in the prevention of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. These innovations could support regions in accelerating malaria control, transforming existing intervention packages by supplementing [...] studies of new medical products, sufficiently capture the broader goal of accelerating malaria control? Layering novel malaria products requires monitoring health outcomes that reflect the novel product's targeted [...] offering an entirely new tool. However, to layer new medical...
Repeated mosquito net distributions, improved treatment, and trends in malaria cases in sentinel health facilities in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
RESULTS: Malaria incidence initially ranged from 20 to 115/1000 population; subsequent trends varied by site. Overall, LLIN distributions had a cumulative effect, reducing the number of malaria cases with [...] not ACT, were associated with reductions of malaria cases in a range of settings, but sustainability of the gains appear to depend on local factors. Malaria programmes covering diverse transmission settings [...] al nets (LLIN), improved diagnosis and artemisinin-based combination therapy...