The effect of immunization schedule with the malaria vaccine candidate RTS,S/AS01E on protective efficacy and anti-circumsporozoite protein antibody... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The malaria vaccine RTS,S induces antibodies against the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (CSP) and the concentration of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) against the repeat region of CSP [...] CSP following vaccination is associated with protection from P. falciparum malaria. So far, only the quantity of anti-CSP IgG has been measured and used to predict vaccination success, although quality [...] following second and third RTS,S/AS01E injection was associated with a 54% risk...
Bayesian variable selection in modelling geographical heterogeneity in malaria transmission from sparse data: an application to Nouna Health and... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Quantification of malaria heterogeneity is very challenging, partly because of the underlying characteristics of mosquitoes and also because malaria is an environmentally driven disease. F [...] strong spatial and temporal heterogeneity in malaria transmission risk despite the relatively small geographical extend of the study area. CONCLUSION: Malaria transmission is very heterogeneous over the [...] Furthermore, in order to assess the spatial and seasonal variability in malaria...
Made-to-measure malaria vector control strategies: rational design based on insecticide properties and coverage of blood resources for mosquitoes (Publications)
Eliminating malaria from highly endemic settings will require unprecedented levels of vector control. To suppress mosquito populations, vector control products targeting their blood hosts must attain high
The contribution of reduction in malaria as a cause of rapid decline of under-five mortality: evidence from the Rufiji Health and Demographic... (Publications)
settings. Malaria-related mortality is known to be a major component of childhood causes of death and malaria remains a major focus of health interventions. The paper explored the contribution of malaria relative [...] remained the leading cause of death for neonates, malaria remains as the leading cause of death for post-neonates followed by pneumonia. However, declines in malaria death rates accounted for 49.9% of the observed [...] accounted for only 19.9%. CONCLUSION: To achieve MDG 4 in mal...
Increasing role of <em>Anopheles funestus</em> and <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em> in malaria transmission in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania (Publications)
order to sustain the gains achieved by current malaria control strategies, robust surveillance systems that monitor dynamics of vectors and their roles in malaria transmission over time are essential. This [...] This longitudinal study demonstrates the trends in malaria vector dynamics and their relative contribution to malaria transmission in hyperendemic transmission settings in Tanzania. METHODS: The study was [...] arabiensis susceptibility to insecticides was assessed using WHO guidelines....
Investigating mosquito net durability for malaria control in Tanzania - attrition, bioefficacy, chemistry, degradation and insecticide resistance... (Publications)
(LLINs) are one of the major malaria vector control tools, with most countries adopting free or subsidised universal coverage campaigns of populations at-risk from malaria. It is essential to understand [...] data sets to provide GIS maps for use in health surveillance and decision making by the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP). DISCUSSION: The data will be of importance to policy makers and vector control [...] for the maintenance of high and cost-effective coverage and to maximise...
The exit interview as a proxy measure of malaria case management practice: sensitivity and specificity relative to direct observation (Publications)
sensitivity and specificity of exit interviews as a measure of malaria case management practice as compared to direct observation.MethodsThe malaria case management of 1654 febrile patients attending 110 health [...] specificity from 70.6% to 98.1%.ConclusionThe exit interview appears to be a valid measure of objective malaria case management practices such as the completion of a diagnostic test or the provision of antimalarial [...] but may be a less valid measure of low frequency, subjective...
How effective is integrated vector management against malaria and lymphatic filariasis where the diseases are transmitted by the same vector? (Publications)
decrease at a slower rate than malaria, even at high levels of coverage. If representative of field situations, integrated management should take into account not only how malaria control can facilitate filariasis [...] integrate vector management across multiple vector-borne diseases is particularly plausible for malaria and lymphatic filariasis (LF) control where both diseases are transmitted by the same vector. To [...] examples of integrated control targeting these diseases have been...