Spatial analysis of malaria transmission parameters in the rice cultivation area of office du Niger, Mali (Publications)
The effects of rice growth environment on malaria transmission, taking into account spatial correlation, were assessed in the Office du Niger, Mali. Between April 1999 to January 2001, 8 quarterly entomologic [...] and showed low spatial correlations (up to 3.4 km), which suggested that small area variation in malaria transmission results mainly from variations in vector-human contact. Control strategies in rice
Malaria transmission dynamics in Niono, Mali: the effect of the irrigation systems (Publications)
The type of water management and drainage system could be a potential reason for variation in malaria transmission in rice cultivation areas. To investigate this we have compared the population dynamics [...] depth, i.e. casiers and hors-casiers, respectively in the Office du Niger, Mali. We also compared malaria transmission in areas with mixed and casiers plots. Larval collection was performed fortnightly with
The Internet: a valuable tool for Roll Back Malaria (Publications)
Roll Back Malaria (RBM) will face a tremendous challenge in halving the current malaria burden by 2010. Thus, the initiative needs to explore novel and innovative approaches. The potential of the Internet [...] build a virtual community and to facilitate the training of a new generation of skilled personel for malaria diagnosis is discussed here. We also argue that investment in information technology is crucial to
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of environmental management for malaria control (Publications)
implementation, the programme had averted an estimated 4173 deaths and 161,205 malaria attacks. The estimated costs per death and malaria attack averted were US$ 858 and US$ 22.20, respectively. Over the initial [...] Roll back malaria (RBM) aims at halving the current burden of the disease by the year 2010. The focus is on sub-Saharan Africa, and it is proposed to implement efficacious and cost-effective control strategies [...] of the potential of environmental management. We reviewed the...
<em>Falciparum </em>malaria presenting with pruritic rashes (Publications)
Rash is not generally believed to be a symptom of malaria. Two cases of acute falciparum malaria in non-immune residents of Mozambique who presented with pruritic rashes are reported. One case exhibited [...] Review of the literature reveals cases of malaria from India, East Africa, France, and the USA presenting with urticaria or a pruritic rash. Previous exposure to malaria may be a factor in these presentations [...] ns. Physicians should not discount the diagnosis of malaria in patients with...
Synthetic glycosylphosphatidylinositol microarray reveals differential antibody levels and fine specificities in children with mild and severe malaria (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum life cycle are a central toxin in malaria. The contribution of GPI specific humoral immune responses to protection against malaria pathology is not clear, since studies on the correlation [...] anti-GPI antibody responses in healthy and malaria diseased individuals. Furthermore, the age dependent development of humoral immune responses against GPI in malaria-exposed children was investigated. Anti-GPI [...] with severe malaria and healthy children contained antibodies that...