Mosquito feeding behavior and how it influences residual malaria transmission across Africa (Publications)
an estimated 10.6 million additional malaria cases annually if universal LLIN and IRS coverage was achieved. Higher outdoor biting diminishes the cases of malaria averted by vector control. This reduction [...] times contribute to residual transmission which determines the maximum effectiveness of current malaria prevention. The likelihood mosquitoes feed outside the time of day when LLINs and IRS can protect [...] estimate the public health impact of outdoor biting across Africa. On average 79%...
Mass campaigns combining antimalarial drugs and anti-infective vaccines as seasonal interventions for malaria control, elimination and prevention of... (Publications)
of existing malaria interventions is becoming increasingly important as evidence mounts that progress on reducing malaria incidence is stalling and threatened by resistance. METHODS: Malaria transmission [...] on and intervention dynamics were simulated using OpenMalaria, an individual-based simulation model of malaria transmission, by considering a seasonal transmission setting and by varying epidemiological [...] of seasonal mass applications of preventative anti-infective malaria vaccines,...
The <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> Hsp70-x chaperone assists the heat stress response of the malaria parasite (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum is the most lethal of human-infective malaria parasites. A hallmark of P. falciparum malaria is extensive remodeling of host erythrocytes by the parasite, which facilitates the d [...] Vakonakis, I. The Plasmodium falciparum Hsp70-x chaperone assists the heat stress response of the malaria parasite.
Safety and immunogenicity of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in infants and children identified as HIV-infected during a randomized trial in... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: We assessed the safety and immunogenicity of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in a subset of children identified as HIV-infected during a large phase III randomized controlled trial conducted
Malaria rapid diagnostic tests reliably detect asymptomatic <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections in school-aged children that are infectious to... (Publications)
this study, malaria rapid diagnostic tests (mRDT), light microscopy (LM) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were used to evaluate their performance detecting asymptomatic malaria infections [...] BACKGROUND: Asymptomatic malaria infections (Plasmodium falciparum) are common in school-aged children and represent a disease transmission reservoir as they are potentially infectious to mosquitoes. To [...] was 31.7% by qPCR, 18.2% by mRDT and 9.4% by LM. Approximately one-third (31.2%)...
Geo-epidemiology of malaria incidence in the Vhembe District to guide targeted elimination strategies, South-Africa, 2015-2018: a local resurgence (Publications)
to classify the 474 smoothed malaria incidence curves. Thereafter, validity indices were used to determine the number of malaria incidence patterns. The cumulative malaria incidence of the study area was [...] Findings show also unusual malaria phenomena in Vhembe District that hinder malaria elimination in South Africa. Assessing the factors associated with these unusual malaria phenome would be helpful on [...] results. Therefore, in the process of refining local malaria control and...
Similar prevalence of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> and Non-<em>P. falciparum</em> malaria infections among schoolchildren, Tanzania (Publications)
ovale infections were single-species infections, and 35% of those were detected in low malaria endemic regions. P. malariae infections were predominantly (73%) co-infections with P. falciparum. P. vivax was [...] Achieving malaria elimination requires considering both Plasmodium falciparum and non-P. falciparum infections. We determined prevalence and geographic distribution of 4 Plasmodium spp. by performing PCR [...] during 2017. Among 3,456 schoolchildren, 22% had P. falciparum, 24% had P....
A chromosomal reference genome sequence for the malaria mosquito <em>Anopheles gambia, </em>Giles, 1902, Ifakara strain (Publications)
We present a genome assembly from an individual female Anopheles gambiae (the malaria mosquito; Arthropoda; Insecta; Diptera; Culicidae), Ifakara strain. The genome sequence is 264 megabases in span. Most