Diagnostic performance and comparison of ultrasensitive and conventional rapid diagnostic test, thick blood smear and quantitative PCR for detection... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Progress towards malaria elimination has stagnated, partly because infections persisting at low parasite densities comprise a large reservoir contributing to ongoing malaria transmission and are difficult [...] and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) during a controlled human malaria infection (CHMI) study conducted in malaria exposed adults (NCT03590340). METHODS: Blood samples were collected from healthy [...] administered by direct venous inoculation. qPCR (18s ribosomal...
Sub-national tailoring of malaria interventions in mainland Tanzania: simulation of the impact of strata-specific intervention combinations using... (Publications)
2015-2020 national malaria strategic plan (NMSP) and the epidemiological risk stratification at the council level in 2018. METHODS: Intervention mixes, selected by the National Malaria Control Programme [...] either based on estimates from the malaria indicator survey in 2016 or set to a hypothetical target of 85%. A previously calibrated mathematical model in OpenMalaria was used to compare intervention impact [...] BACKGROUND: To accelerate progress against malaria in high burden countries, a...
Evaluating malaria prevalence and land cover across varying transmission intensity in Tanzania using a cross-sectional survey of school-aged children (Publications)
n of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa has become increasingly stratified following decades of malaria control interventions. The extent to which environmental and land cover risk factors for malaria may differ [...] and could provide actionable targets to maximize the success of malaria control efforts. METHODS: This study used cross-sectional malaria survey data from a nationally representative cohort of school-aged [...] land cover and malaria prevalence within three distinct strata of...
Tenfold difference in DNA recovery rate: systematic comparison of whole blood vs. dried blood spot sample collection for malaria molecular... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Molecular and genomic surveillance is becoming increasingly used to track malaria control and elimination efforts. Blood samples can be collected as whole blood and stored at - 20 degrees C
Assessing determinants of programmatic performance of community management of malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea in children in Africa: protocol and... (Publications)
health program designed to provide integrated community-based care for children with pneumonia, malaria, or diarrhea in hard-to-reach areas of low- and middle-income countries. The foundation of the i
Haematological consequences of acute uncomplicated <em>falciparum </em>malaria: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network pooled analysis of... (Publications)
falciparum malaria to identify the factors associated with malarial anaemia. METHODS: Individual patient data from eligible antimalarial efficacy studies of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria, available [...] BACKGROUND: Plasmodium falciparum malaria is associated with anaemia-related morbidity, attributable to host, parasite and drug factors. We quantified the haematological response following treatment of [...] = 2.06 [95%CI 1.39-3.05], p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with uncomplicated...
The 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 is an essential upstream activator of protein kinase A in malaria parasites (Publications)
t protein kinase A (PKA) signalling is essential for the proliferation of Plasmodium falciparum malaria blood stage parasites. The mechanisms regulating the activity of the catalytic subunit PfPKAc, however [...] function has not been investigated in gametocytes, the sexual blood stage forms that are essential for malaria transmission. By studying a conditional PfPKAc knockdown (cKD) mutant, we confirm the essential role