The impact of the scale-up of malaria rapid diagnostic tests on the routine clinical diagnosis procedures for febrile illness: a series of repeated... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: This paper examines the impact of the scale-up of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) on routine clinical diagnosis procedures for febrile illness in primary healthcare settings in Papua New [...] pre- and post-RDT scale-up and between febrile patients who tested either negative or positive for malaria infection by RDT (post scale-up only). RESULTS: A total of 1809 observations from 120 health facilities [...] scale-up has led to a reduction in body temperature measurement....
UCT943, a next generation <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> PI4K inhibitor preclinical candidate for the treatment of malaria (Publications)
drug candidate inhibiting Plasmodium phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI4K), a novel drug target for malaria, to enter clinical development. In an effort to identify the next generation of PI4K inhibitors, [...] single-exposure radical cure and prophylaxis (SERCaP) to treat, prevent and block the transmission of malaria.
The influence of malaria control interventions and climate variability on changes in the geographical distribution of parasite prevalence in Kenya... (Publications)
The burden of malaria in Kenya was showing a declining trend, but appears to have reached a plateau in recent years. This study estimated changes in the geographical distribution of malaria parasite risk [...] contribution of malaria control interventions and climatic/ environmental factors to these changes. METHODS: Bayesian geostatistical models were used to analyse the Kenyan 2015 and 2020 Malaria Indicator Survey [...] coverage of most malaria indicators related to Insecticide Treated Nets...
Empowering rural communities for effective larval source management: a small-scale field evaluation of a community-led larviciding approach to control... (Publications)
source management, particularly larviciding, is mainly implemented in urban settings to control malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. In Tanzania, the government has recently expanded larviciding [...] characterize and target larval habitats of Anopheles funestus mosquitoes, the dominant vector of malaria transmission in south-eastern Tanzania. Methods: A mixed-methods study was used. First, intervie [...] community-based volunteers were trained to identify and characterize aquatic habitats...
Forecasting malaria dynamics based on causal relations between control interventions, climatic factors, and disease incidence in western Kenya (Publications)
drivers and investigate their effects, interaction strength, and suitability ranges on malaria incidence. Monthly malaria cases were collected at St. Elizabeth Lwak Mission Hospital. Intervention coverage [...] Short-term forecasting of malaria incidence was performed using state-space reconstruction. RESULTS: We observed causal links between climatic drivers, bed net use, and malaria incidence. LSTD lagged over [...] BACKGROUND: Malaria remains one of the deadliest diseases worldwide,...
AnophelesModel: an R package to interface mosquito bionomics, human exposure and intervention effects with models of malaria intervention impact (Publications)
semi-field studies of malaria transmission have gathered geographic-specific information about mosquito ecology, behaviour and their sensitivity to interventions. Mathematical models of malaria transmission can [...] incorporate such data to infer the likely impact of vector control interventions and hence guide malaria control strategies in various geographies. To facilitate this process and make model predictions [...] addition, it offers formatted outputs ready to use in downstream analyses...
Characterizing the pharmacological interaction of the antimalarial combination artefenomel-piperaquine in healthy volunteers with induced blood-stage... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The combination antimalarial artefenomel-piperaquine failed to achieve target efficacy in a phase 2b study in Africa and Vietnam. We retrospectively evaluated whether characterizing the ph
Natural variation in timing of egg hatching, response to water agitation, and bidirectional selection of early and late hatching strains of the... (Publications)
variation in egg hatching and its environmental and genetic determinants in sibling species of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae s.l. is important for understanding their adaptation to variable aquatic