Status febrilis mit Bewusstlosigkeit (Publications)
Cerebral malaria with Plasmodium vivax is uncommon. Normally Plasmodium falciparum is the cause of cerebral malaria. We report about a 18 year old patient from Pakistan with a history of intermittent fever [...] several months. The patient recovered within a few days; however prognosis can be severe when cerebral malaria is complicating the course of Plasmodium vivax infection
Use of insecticides in agriculture and the prevention of vector-borne diseases: population knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs in Elibou,... (Publications)
and beliefs (KAPB) pertaining to malaria are generally well described. However, little is known about population knowledge and awareness of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors. The aim of this study [...] resistance in malaria vectors, while people's knowledge about insecticide resistance was limited. There is a need to raise awareness in communities about the presence of resistance in malaria vectors and [...] study was to investigate KAPB related to insecticide resistance in malaria...
Use of insecticides in agriculture and the prevention of vector-borne diseases: population knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs in Elibou,... (Publications)
and beliefs (KAPB) pertaining to malaria are generally well described. However, little is known about population knowledge and awareness of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors. The aim of this study [...] resistance in malaria vectors, while people's knowledge about insecticide resistance was limited. There is a need to raise awareness in communities about the presence of resistance in malaria vectors and [...] study was to investigate KAPB related to insecticide resistance in malaria...
The empirical support for the radical cure strategy for eliminating <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> in China (Publications)
China is malaria-free, it is timely to consider how elimination of malaria was completed in People's Republic of China over the last 7 decades. Of the four widespread species of human malaria, Plasmodium [...] planning disease elimination in other malaria-endemic countries, with residual P. vivax malaria. METHODS: We collated data from both published and unpublished malaria parasite inoculation experiments conducted [...] (late spring) seasons had a pronounced effect on outbreaks during the mala...
The empirical support for the radical cure strategy for eliminating <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> in China (Publications)
China is malaria-free, it is timely to consider how elimination of malaria was completed in People's Republic of China over the last 7 decades. Of the four widespread species of human malaria, Plasmodium [...] planning disease elimination in other malaria-endemic countries, with residual P. vivax malaria. METHODS: We collated data from both published and unpublished malaria parasite inoculation experiments conducted [...] (late spring) seasons had a pronounced effect on outbreaks during the mala...
Heterogeneity in P<em>lasmodium falciparum </em>whole sporozoite vaccine induced humoral immune responses and protection in African volunteers: the... (Publications)
geographical overlap of HIV and malaria, an effective malaria vaccine deployed in this population could possibly support the long-term objective of regional elimination of malaria by using mass vaccination. [...] and 405,000 deaths attributed to malaria. New tools such as efficacious vaccines, better drugs and diagnostics are needed to supplement the current malaria control tools that rest mainly on vector control [...] against malaria induced by these whole sporozoite based vaccines varies...
Heterogeneity in P<em>lasmodium falciparum </em>whole sporozoite vaccine induced humoral immune responses and protection in African volunteers: the... (Publications)
geographical overlap of HIV and malaria, an effective malaria vaccine deployed in this population could possibly support the long-term objective of regional elimination of malaria by using mass vaccination. [...] and 405,000 deaths attributed to malaria. New tools such as efficacious vaccines, better drugs and diagnostics are needed to supplement the current malaria control tools that rest mainly on vector control [...] against malaria induced by these whole sporozoite based vaccines varies...
Spatial effects on the multiplicity of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections (Publications)
homogeneous transmission used in mathematical transmission models for malaria. In the present study an individual-based mathematical malaria transmission model that incorporates multiple parasite clones, variable [...] prevalence or multiplicity of infection (MOI). In traditionally highly malaria endemic regions where most of the population harbours malaria parasites, humans are often infected with multiple parasite clones [...] As malaria is being pushed back on many frontiers and global case...
The relative roles of ANC and EPI in the continuous distribution of LLINs: a qualitative study in four countries (Publications)
through EPI because of a) stronger linkages and involvement between malaria and reproductive health programmes, as compared to malaria and EPI, and b) more complete programme monitoring for ANC-based d [...] Background: The continuous distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) for malaria prevention, through the antenatal care (ANC) and the Expanded Programme on Immunizations (EPI), is recommended [...] sub-national, and facility-level health staff, and were selected to capture a...
Spatial effects on the multiplicity of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections (Publications)
homogeneous transmission used in mathematical transmission models for malaria. In the present study an individual-based mathematical malaria transmission model that incorporates multiple parasite clones, variable [...] prevalence or multiplicity of infection (MOI). In traditionally highly malaria endemic regions where most of the population harbours malaria parasites, humans are often infected with multiple parasite clones [...] As malaria is being pushed back on many frontiers and global case...