Modelling the impact of insecticide-based control interventions on the evolution of insecticide resistance and disease transmission (Publications)
threshold level of mosquitoes below which transmission of malaria is interrupted. It is based on a classic Ross-Macdonald derivation of the malaria basic reproductive number (R0) and may be used to assess [...] (iv) the impact of resistance once it has arisen and, in particular, whether it is sufficient for malaria transmission to resume. The model consists of a system of difference equations that tracks the immature [...] and easily generalizable to many scenarios using different calibrations...
Emergence of FY*A(null) in a <em>Plasmodium vivax</em>-endemic region of Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Human genetic polymorphisms of this nature are common in malarious regions, and all four human malaria parasites are holoendemic below 1500 meters in PNG. At this elevation, a prominent condition cha [...] demonstrated that alpha(+)-thalassemia is associated with increased susceptibility to uncomplicated malaria among young children. It is further proposed that alpha(+)-thalassemia may facilitate so- called [...] vivax infection to act later in life as a "natural vaccine" against severe...
Ethnobotanical study of some of mosquito repellent plants in north-eastern Tanzania (Publications)
potential for malaria vector control requires evaluation in areas with different level of malaria endemicity. The essential oils of Ocimum suave and Ocimum kilimandscharicum were evaluated against malaria vectors [...] filter papers impregnated with Ocimum extracts, knockdown effects and mortality was investigated on malaria mosquito Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles gambiae, including a nuisance mosquito, Culex quinqu
Emergence of FY*A(null) in a <em>Plasmodium vivax</em>-endemic region of Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Human genetic polymorphisms of this nature are common in malarious regions, and all four human malaria parasites are holoendemic below 1500 meters in PNG. At this elevation, a prominent condition cha [...] demonstrated that alpha(+)-thalassemia is associated with increased susceptibility to uncomplicated malaria among young children. It is further proposed that alpha(+)-thalassemia may facilitate so- called [...] vivax infection to act later in life as a "natural vaccine" against severe...
Modelling the impact of insecticide-based control interventions on the evolution of insecticide resistance and disease transmission (Publications)
threshold level of mosquitoes below which transmission of malaria is interrupted. It is based on a classic Ross-Macdonald derivation of the malaria basic reproductive number (R0) and may be used to assess [...] (iv) the impact of resistance once it has arisen and, in particular, whether it is sufficient for malaria transmission to resume. The model consists of a system of difference equations that tracks the immature [...] and easily generalizable to many scenarios using different calibrations...
Ethnobotanical study of some of mosquito repellent plants in north-eastern Tanzania (Publications)
potential for malaria vector control requires evaluation in areas with different level of malaria endemicity. The essential oils of Ocimum suave and Ocimum kilimandscharicum were evaluated against malaria vectors [...] filter papers impregnated with Ocimum extracts, knockdown effects and mortality was investigated on malaria mosquito Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles gambiae, including a nuisance mosquito, Culex quinqu
Analysis of diagnostic findings from the European mobile laboratory in Gueckedou, Guinea, March 2014 through March 2015 (Publications)
2015. METHODS: The unit diagnosed EVD and malaria, using the RealStar Filovirus Screen reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) kit and a malaria rapid diagnostic test, respectively. RESULTS:
Analysis of diagnostic findings from the European mobile laboratory in Gueckedou, Guinea, March 2014 through March 2015 (Publications)
2015. METHODS: The unit diagnosed EVD and malaria, using the RealStar Filovirus Screen reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) kit and a malaria rapid diagnostic test, respectively. RESULTS:
Next generation chemiluminescent probes for antimalarial drug discovery (Publications)
Malaria is caused by parasites of the Plasmodium genus and remains one of the most pressing human health problems. The spread of parasites resistant to or partially resistant to single or multiple drugs [...] frontline antimalarial artemisinin and its derivatives, poses a serious threat to current and future malaria control efforts. In vitro drug assays are important for identifying new antimalarial compounds and [...] detection limit of less than 100 parasites of the presented biosensor system...
Achieving high coverage of larval-stage mosquito surveillance: challenges for a community-based mosquito control programme in urban Dar es Salaam,... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Preventing malaria by controlling mosquitoes in their larval stages requires regular sensitive monitoring of vector populations and intervention coverage. The study assessed the effectiveness [...] ess of operational, community-based larval habitat surveillance systems within the Urban Malaria Control Programme (UMCP) in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. METHODS: Cross-sectional surveys were carried [...] particularly low for late-stage Anopheles (2.7%, 3/111), the most direct...