Multi-site comparison of factors influencing progress of African insecticide testing facilities towards an international quality management system... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Insecticidal mosquito vector control products are vital components of malaria control programmes. Test facilities are key in assessing the effectiveness of vector control products against local
Crisis management by HIV/AIDS non-governmental organisations in the post-Euromaidan Ukraine led to opening new horizons (Publications)
Public Health, one of the principal recipients of the Global Fund to Fight Tuberculosis, AIDS and Malaria in 2014-2016, during and after the Euromaidan Revolution in Ukraine. Findings In the post-Euromaidan
Evaluation and forecasting analysis of the association of conditional cash transfer with child mortality in Latin America, 2000-2030 (Publications)
1000 live births), overall and by poverty-related causes (diarrheal, malnutrition, tuberculosis, malaria, lower respiratory tract infections, and HIV/AIDS), and the mortality rates for those younger than
The adverse health effects associated with drought in Africa (Publications)
ion of water (n = 6) including cholera, diarrhoeal diseases, scabies, vector-borne diseases and malaria-related mortality; and drought and health behaviours (n = 1) including HIV prevention and care behaviours
The impact of health worker absenteeism on patient health care seeking behavior, testing and treatment: a longitudinal analysis in Uganda (Publications)
odds that a patient seeks care in the public sector (OR = 0.65, 95% CI = 0.44-0.95) and receives malaria testing (OR = 0.73, 95% CI = 0.53-0.99) and increases the odds of paying out-of-pocket for treatment
Surveillance-response systems: the key to elimination of tropical diseases (Publications)
systems for Asia Pacific and Africa with an initial focus on elimination of lymphatic filariasis, malaria and schistosomiasis; (ii) development of new strategies, tools and approaches, such as improved
Experience of safety monitoring in the context of a prospective observational study of artemether-lumefantrine in rural Tanzania: lessons learned for... (Publications)
l study for artemether-lumefantrine (AL) administered as first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria in rural Tanzania. METHODS: Pharmacovigilance procedures were developed through collaboration between
Cloning of the repertoire of individual <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> var genes using Transformation Associated Recombination (TAR) (Publications)
One of the major virulence factors of the malaria causing parasite is the Plasmodium falciparum encoded erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1). It is translocated to It the membrane of infected erythrocytes
How much remains undetected? Probability of molecular detection of human <em>Plasmodia</em> in the field (Publications)
BACKGROUND: In malaria endemic areas, most people are simultaneously infected with different parasite clones. Detection of individual clones is hampered when their densities fluctuate around the detection
Identification of cryptic <em>Anopheles</em> mosquito species by molecular protein profiling (Publications)
Vector control is the mainstay of malaria control programmes. Successful vector control profoundly relies on accurate information on the target mosquito populations in order to choose the most appropriate