The economics of malaria control and elimination: a systematic review (Publications)
cost of malaria control to a health system ranged from $0.11 to $39.06 (median: $2.21) while that for malaria elimination ranged from $0.18 to $27 (median: $3.00). BCRs of investing in malaria control [...] competing health priorities threaten the sustainability of malaria programmes. Elucidating the cost and benefits of continued investments in malaria could encourage sustained political and financial commitments [...] financial cost and return of malaria control, elimination and eradication....
Asymptomatic and sub-microscopic malaria infection in Kayah State, eastern Myanmar (Publications)
be targeted for malaria elimination. METHODS: A mass blood survey was conducted among 485 individuals from six villages in Kayah State, an area of endemic but low transmission malaria in eastern Myanmar [...] BACKGROUND: Myanmar has the heaviest burden of malaria in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. Asymptomatic Plasmodium spp. infections are common in this region and may represent an important reservoir of t [...] Myanmar. Malaria infection was screened by rapid diagnostic test (RDT), light...
Mefloquine at the crossroads? Implications for malaria chemoprophylaxis in Europa [Commentary] (Publications)
mefloquine. Some malaria prevention advisors question the scientific basis for the restrictions and suggest that this cost-effective, anti-malarial drug will be displaced as a first-line anti-malaria medication [...] the new recommendations for malaria prophylaxis that have been adapted by Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy where chemoprophylaxis use is restricted to high-risk malaria-endemic areas. [...] Since its introduction to the market in 1985, mefloquine has been used for malaria...
Nouvelles approches pour la prévention de la malaria chez le voyageur (Publications)
Malaria is declining in many tropical countries. This reduction challenges our usual preventive strategies. In moderate to low risk areas, the Swiss guidelines recommend a stand-by emergency treatment [...] making through three clinical studies. The first showed that travelers visiting moderate to low risk malaria areas prefer a standby emergency treatment rather than chemoprophylaxis. The second study investigates
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of environmental management for malaria control (Publications)
implementation, the programme had averted an estimated 4173 deaths and 161,205 malaria attacks. The estimated costs per death and malaria attack averted were US$ 858 and US$ 22.20, respectively. Over the initial [...] Roll back malaria (RBM) aims at halving the current burden of the disease by the year 2010. The focus is on sub-Saharan Africa, and it is proposed to implement efficacious and cost-effective control strategies [...] of the potential of environmental management. We reviewed the...
The Internet: a valuable tool for Roll Back Malaria (Publications)
Roll Back Malaria (RBM) will face a tremendous challenge in halving the current malaria burden by 2010. Thus, the initiative needs to explore novel and innovative approaches. The potential of the Internet [...] build a virtual community and to facilitate the training of a new generation of skilled personel for malaria diagnosis is discussed here. We also argue that investment in information technology is crucial to
<em>Falciparum </em>malaria presenting with pruritic rashes (Publications)
Rash is not generally believed to be a symptom of malaria. Two cases of acute falciparum malaria in non-immune residents of Mozambique who presented with pruritic rashes are reported. One case exhibited [...] Review of the literature reveals cases of malaria from India, East Africa, France, and the USA presenting with urticaria or a pruritic rash. Previous exposure to malaria may be a factor in these presentations [...] ns. Physicians should not discount the diagnosis of malaria in patients with...