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De facto health governance policies and practices in a decentralized setting of Ghana: implication for policy making and implementation (Publications)
Environmental noise health risk assessment: methodology for assessing health risks using data reported under the Environmental Noise Directive (Publications)
How to conceptualize and implement a PhD program in health sciences - the Basel approach [Commentary] (Publications)
Die Buschtrommel Nr. 1 / 2016 (Publications)
Die Buschtrommel 1 / 2018 (Publications)
Die Buschtrommel 1 / 2017 (Publications)
Die Buschtrommel 2 / 2016 (Publications)
Die Buschtrommel Nr. 2 / 2015 (Publications)
Die Buschtrommel Nr. 1 / 2015 (Publications)
Die Buschtrommel Nr. 2 / 2014 (Publications)