A methodological framework for the improved use of routine health system data to evaluate national malaria control programs: evidence from Zambia (Publications)
coverage is associated with decreased malaria morbidity and use of health services for malaria illness in Zambia. These methods and results are broadly relevant for malaria program evaluations currently ongoing [...] in areas of lower malaria burden. CONCLUSIONS: When improved through comprehensive parasitologically confirmed case reporting, HMIS data can become a valuable tool for evaluating malaria program scale-up [...] health management information systems (HMIS) have rarely been used for...
How effective is integrated vector management against malaria and lymphatic filariasis where the diseases are transmitted by the same vector? (Publications)
decrease at a slower rate than malaria, even at high levels of coverage. If representative of field situations, integrated management should take into account not only how malaria control can facilitate filariasis [...] integrate vector management across multiple vector-borne diseases is particularly plausible for malaria and lymphatic filariasis (LF) control where both diseases are transmitted by the same vector. To [...] examples of integrated control targeting these diseases have been...
Resisting infection by <em>Plasmodium berghei</em> increases the sensitivity of the malaria vector <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> to DDT (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The evolution of insecticide resistance threatens current malaria control methods, which rely heavily on chemical insecticides. The magnitude of the threat will be determined by the phenotypic [...] phenotypic expression of resistance in those mosquitoes that can transmit malaria. These differ from the majority of the mosquito population in two main ways; they carry sporozoites (the infectious stage of [...] Plasmodium parasite) and they are relatively old, as they need to survive...
The AvecNet Trial to assess whether addition of pyriproxyfen, an insect juvenile hormone mimic, to long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets provides... (Publications)
may enhance malaria control, as well as reducing the spread of pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes. This trial will determine whether PPF-LLINs provide incremental protection against malaria over current [...] BACKGROUND: Recent reductions in malaria in sub-Saharan Africa have been associated with increased coverage with long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). Pyrethroids are currently the only insecticide class [...] PPF-LLIN (containing 2% permethrin and 1% pyriproxyfen w/w) provide better...