The contribution of reduction in malaria as a cause of rapid decline of under-five mortality: evidence from the Rufiji Health and Demographic... (Publications)
settings. Malaria-related mortality is known to be a major component of childhood causes of death and malaria remains a major focus of health interventions. The paper explored the contribution of malaria relative [...] remained the leading cause of death for neonates, malaria remains as the leading cause of death for post-neonates followed by pneumonia. However, declines in malaria death rates accounted for 49.9% of the observed [...] accounted for only 19.9%. CONCLUSION: To achieve MDG 4 in mal...
Increasing role of <em>Anopheles funestus</em> and <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em> in malaria transmission in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania (Publications)
order to sustain the gains achieved by current malaria control strategies, robust surveillance systems that monitor dynamics of vectors and their roles in malaria transmission over time are essential. This [...] This longitudinal study demonstrates the trends in malaria vector dynamics and their relative contribution to malaria transmission in hyperendemic transmission settings in Tanzania. METHODS: The study was [...] arabiensis susceptibility to insecticides was assessed using WHO guidelines....
Malaria control strategies in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania (Publications)
Malaria is major public health problem in Tanzania and increasing trends have been observed in the last two decades. A significant consequence of repeated malaria infections in high transmission areas [...] indicating a potential benefit for reducing malaria transmission. The unacceptably high chloroquine failure rates call for an urgent review of the National Malaria Treatment Guidelines. The decision to change [...] areas is anaemia in very young children. The control of malaria in Tanzania...