Bayesian geostatistical modelling of malaria and lymphatic filariasis infections in Uganda: predictors of risk and geographical patterns of... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: In Uganda, malaria and lymphatic filariasis (causative agent Wuchereria bancrofti) are transmitted by the same vector species of Anopheles mosquitoes, and thus are likely to share common e [...] children for circulating filarial antigens (CFA). Concurrently, blood smears were examined for malaria parasites. In this study, the resultant malariological data are analysed for the first time and the [...] different random effects to allow for spatial structuring and to capture potential...
Simulation of malaria epidemiology and control in the highlands of western Kenya (Publications)
METHODS: Individual-based stochastic simulation models of malaria in humans and a deterministic model of malaria in mosquitoes as part of the OpenMalaria platform were parameterized to create a scenario for [...] to assist in planning for the control and elimination of malaria. This work investigates the applicability of mathematical modelling of malaria transmission dynamics in Rachuonyo South, a district with [...] CONCLUSIONS: The OpenMalaria model of P. falciparum transmission can be used to...
A research agenda for malaria eradication: diagnoses and diagnostics (Publications)
or absent malaria transmission, sustaining interest in elimination and maintaining resources will become increasingly important. Thus, research is required into the context in which malaria diagnostic [...] Many of malaria's signs and symptoms are indistinguishable from those of other febrile diseases. Detection of the presence of Plasmodium parasites is essential, therefore, to guide case management. Improved
Design and pre-clinical profiling of a <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> MSP-3 derived component for a multi-valent virosomal malaria vaccine (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Clinical profiling of two components for a synthetic peptide-based virosomal malaria vaccine has yielded promising results, encouraging the search for additional components for inclusion in [...] is suitable for use in humans and represents a candidate component for a virosomal multi-valent malaria subunit vaccine
Malaria surveillance-response strategies in different transmission zones of the People's Republic of China: preparing for climate change (Publications)
understanding of malaria transmission patterns in the People's Republic of China (P.R. China) is crucial for designing effective surveillance-response strategies that can guide the national malaria elimination [...] survival derived from monthly mean temperature and YRH were generated. For each decade, the final malaria prediction map was overlaid by two mask maps, in terms of number of months suitable for parasite [...] 60%. RESULTS: Considering multiple environmental factors simultaneously,...
Evidence of blood stage efficacy with a virosomal malaria vaccine in a phase IIa clinical trial (Publications)
indicates that a combination vaccine targeting different stages of the malaria life cycle is likely to provide the most effective malaria vaccine. This trial was the first to combine two existing vaccination [...] ts were healthy, malaria naive volunteers, from Oxford. The interventions were vaccination with PEV3A alone, or PEV3A+FFM ME-TRAP. The main outcome measure was protection from malaria in a sporozoite challenge [...] stages of the P. falciparum life cycle. METHODS: This was a Phase...
Inaugural meeting of the malaria policy advisory committee to the WHO: conclusions and recommendations (Publications)
conclusions and recommendations from that meeting, as part of the newly launched Malaria Journal thematic series "WHO Malaria Policy Advisory Committee: Reports and Recommendations".Summaries are provided [...] sessions on global malaria control, drug resistance and containment, rapid diagnostic test procurement criteria, larviciding, classification of countries for elimination, estimating malaria cases and deaths [...] The Malaria Policy Advisory Committee to the World Health Organization met...
Agrochemicals against malaria, sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis and Chagas disease (Publications)
In tropical regions, protozoan parasites can cause severe diseases with malaria, leishmaniasis, sleeping sickness, and Chagas disease standing in the forefront. Many of the drugs currently being used to
A research agenda for malaria eradication: modeling (Publications)
Malaria modeling can inform policy and guide research for malaria elimination and eradication from local implementation to global policy. A research and development agenda for malaria modeling is proposed
A research agenda for malaria eradication: cross-cutting issues for eradication (Publications)
ic Malaria Eradication Research Agenda (malERA) Consultative Groups have recognized several cross-cutting issues that must be addressed to prevent repetition of some of the mistakes of past malaria elimination [...] levels. Because sustained malaria elimination is dependent on a functioning health system, a further key cross-cutting research question is to determine how inputs for malaria can strengthen health systems [...] programs. Integrated research is required to develop a decision-making...