Passive immunoprotection of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>-infected mice designates the CyRPA as candidate malaria vaccine antigen (Publications)
An effective malaria vaccine could prove to be the most cost-effective and efficacious means of preventing severe disease and death from malaria. In an endeavor to identify novel vaccine targets, we tested [...] represents an unprecedented in vivo model for quantitative comparison of the functional potencies of malaria-specific Abs. Our data suggest a role for CyRPA in erythrocyte invasion by the merozoite. Inhibition [...] merozoite invasion by CyRPA-specific mAbs in vitro and in vivo renders...
Effect of the malaria vaccine combination B on merozoite surface antigen 2 diversity (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum surface antigens. This poses a considerable obstacle to the development of a malaria vaccine. In order to assess possible effects of a polymorphic vaccine, we have analyzed the genetic
Differential var gene expression in children with malaria and antidromic effects on host gene expression (Publications)
Among 62 children with mild malaria, cerebral malaria, or severe malarial anemia, we analyzed the transcription of different var gene types. There was no difference in parasitemia level or body temperature [...] expression pattern was observed in children with cerebral malaria, compared with that in patients in the other 2 groups: children with cerebral malaria had lower expression of the upsA subtype but higher expression
Imported falciparum malaria in Europe: sentinel surveillance data from the European network on surveillance of imported infectious diseases (Publications)
Malaria continues to have a high morbidity rate associated among European travelers. Thorough recording of epidemiological and clinical aspects of imported malaria has been helpful in the detection of [...] to cover approximately 10% of all patients with malaria seen in Europe. Reports of 1659 immigrants and European patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria were analyzed for epidemiological information and [...] to our understanding of the epidemiological and clinical findings regarding...
Rise in malaria incidence rates in South Africa: a small-area spatial analysis of variation in time trends (Publications)
analysis were that: 1) the spatial distribution of the rise in malaria incidence is uneven and strongly suggests a geographic expansion of high-malaria-risk areas; 2) there is evidence of a stabilization of incidence [...] Bayesian statistical models, the authors investigated spatial and temporal variations in small-area malaria incidence rates for the period mid-1986 to mid-1999 for two districts in northern KwaZulu Natal,