Opportunities and limiting factors of intensive vegetable farming in malaria endemic Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
14-15 days, with malaria accounting for 8-9 days (58%), confirming that malaria is the most important disease in this setting. There was a large heterogeneity among farmers, with malaria-related work losses [...] advance. The purpose of this study is to assess and quantify the effect of ill health, particularly malaria, on the performance of farm activity, with an emphasis on drip-irrigated vegetable farming in rural [...] revenues. During a single cabbage production cycle, those farmers who...
Optimization of potent inhibitors of <em>P. falciparum</em> dihydroorotate dehydrogenase for the treatment of malaria (Publications)
dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) for P. falciparum potentially represents a new treatment option for malaria, since DHODH catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway and P. falciparum [...] but do not inhibit the human enzyme. On the basis of efficacy observed in three mouse models of malaria, acceptable safety pharmacology risk assessment and safety toxicology profile in rodents, lack of
Tod am Kilombero : Tanners Kampf gegen Malaria [TV Broadcast] (Publications)
Afrika ein Kind an Malaria, weltweit sind es Jahr für Jahr bis zu drei Millionen Menschen. Der Kampf gegen den grössten Killer der dritten Welt scheint aussichtslos. Und doch hat die Malaria einen hartnäckigen [...] einer seiner Malaria-Missionen an den Kilombero begeleitet. Der Fluss im Südwesten Tansanias verwandelt nach jeder Regenzeit ein Gebiet, so gross wie die Westschweiz, in eine wahre Malaria-Hölle. Wer hier [...] hier (über-) lebt, muss jährlich weit über 1'000 Malaria-infizierte...