Modelling the relationship between malaria prevalence as a measure of transmission and mortality across age groups (Publications)
prevalence has been used widely as a measure of malaria transmission, especially in malaria endemic areas. However, its contribution and relationship to malaria mortality across different age groups has not [...] all-cause and malaria-specific mortality. CONCLUSION: Malaria parasitaemia from cross-sectional surveys was associated with mortality across age groups over 4 to 5 year periods with clinical malaria more strongly [...] surveys from the Kisumu HDSS between 2007 and 2015 were used to...
Malaria rapid diagnostic tests reliably detect asymptomatic <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections in school-aged children that are infectious to... (Publications)
this study, malaria rapid diagnostic tests (mRDT), light microscopy (LM) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were used to evaluate their performance detecting asymptomatic malaria infections [...] BACKGROUND: Asymptomatic malaria infections (Plasmodium falciparum) are common in school-aged children and represent a disease transmission reservoir as they are potentially infectious to mosquitoes. To [...] was 31.7% by qPCR, 18.2% by mRDT and 9.4% by LM. Approximately one-third (31.2%)...
Geo-epidemiology of malaria incidence in the Vhembe District to guide targeted elimination strategies, South-Africa, 2015-2018: a local resurgence (Publications)
to classify the 474 smoothed malaria incidence curves. Thereafter, validity indices were used to determine the number of malaria incidence patterns. The cumulative malaria incidence of the study area was [...] Findings show also unusual malaria phenomena in Vhembe District that hinder malaria elimination in South Africa. Assessing the factors associated with these unusual malaria phenome would be helpful on [...] results. Therefore, in the process of refining local malaria control and...
Similar prevalence of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> and Non-<em>P. falciparum</em> malaria infections among schoolchildren, Tanzania (Publications)
ovale infections were single-species infections, and 35% of those were detected in low malaria endemic regions. P. malariae infections were predominantly (73%) co-infections with P. falciparum. P. vivax was [...] Achieving malaria elimination requires considering both Plasmodium falciparum and non-P. falciparum infections. We determined prevalence and geographic distribution of 4 Plasmodium spp. by performing PCR [...] during 2017. Among 3,456 schoolchildren, 22% had P. falciparum, 24% had P....
A chromosomal reference genome sequence for the malaria mosquito <em>Anopheles gambia, </em>Giles, 1902, Ifakara strain (Publications)
We present a genome assembly from an individual female Anopheles gambiae (the malaria mosquito; Arthropoda; Insecta; Diptera; Culicidae), Ifakara strain. The genome sequence is 264 megabases in span. Most
A randomized, double-blind placebo-control study assessing the protective efficacy of an odour-based 'push-pull' malaria vector control strategy in... (Publications)
Novel malaria vector control strategies targeting the odour-orientation of mosquitoes during host-seeking, such as 'attract-and-kill' or 'push-and-pull', have been suggested as complementary tools to indoor [...] densities using light-traps. None of the interventions provided any protection from outdoor biting malaria vectors. The 'push' reduced indoor vector densities dominated by Anopheles funestus by around two
Variability in white blood cell count during uncomplicated malaria and implications for parasite density estimation: a WorldWide Antimalarial... (Publications)
count during acute uncomplicated malaria, and estimate the impact of using an assumed value of WBC on estimates of parasite density and clearance. METHODS: Uncomplicated malaria drug efficacy studies that measured [...] and vivax (n = 2678) malaria, respectively. At presentation, higher WBC counts were seen among patients with higher parasitaemia, severe anaemia and, for individuals with vivax malaria, in regions with shorter [...] reference. RESULTS: Eighty-four studies enrolling 27,656...
Species composition, infection rate and detection of resistant alleles in <em>Anopheles funestus</em> (Diptera: Culicidae) from Lare, a malaria... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Anopheles funestus, which is considered as secondary vector of malaria in Ethiopia, is known to have several morphologically indistinguishable (sibling) species. Accurate identification of [...] wild type. None of the samples (N = 169) were found positive for Plasmodium (P. falciparum/ovale/malariae/vivax) detection. CONCLUSION: All An. funestus s.l. samples from Lare were molecularly identified