Impact of artemisinin-based combination therapy and insecticide-treated nets on malaria burden in Zanzibar (Publications)
The Roll Back Malaria strategy recommends a combination of interventions for malaria control. Zanzibar implemented artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for uncomplicated malaria in late 2003 and [...] all malaria patients, while LLINs are distributed free to children under age 5 y ("under five") and pregnant women. We investigated temporal trends in Plasmodium falciparum prevalence and malaria-related [...] y) mortality decreased by 52%, 33%, and 71%, respectively. Similarly, malaria-rel...
Strategic roles for behaviour change communication in a changing malaria landscape (Publications)
quality strategic behaviour change communication (BCC) can improve malaria prevention and treatment behaviours. As progress is made towards malaria elimination, BCC becomes an even more important tool. BCC can [...] infections and their compliance with treatment, 3) to inform communities of the optimal timing of malaria control interventions, and 4) to explain changing diagnostic concerns (e.g. increasing false negatives [...] this commentary is to highlight the benefits and value for money that...
Sterilising effects of pyriproxyfen on <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em> and its potential use in malaria control (Publications)
effect. CONCLUSIONS: The results presented here suggest that sterilising adult malaria vectors using PPF could form part of a malaria control strategy, taking advantage of the lack of reported resistance to
Implementing ideal health policy in a fragile health system: the example of expanding the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in mainland Tanzania (Publications)
Malaria confirmation before treatment provides an opportunity for improving the quality of malaria case management in endemic regions. However, increased coverage of this strategy is facing many organizational [...] Introducing an intervention with system-wide effect, such as the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in areas where malaria is still a public health problem, should be accompanied by system strengthening
Retail sector distribution chains for malaria treatment in the developing world: a review of the literature (Publications)
availability, quality and price of malaria treatment. This article presents the findings of a systematic literature review on the retail sector distribution chain for malaria treatment in low and middle-income [...] sector malaria treatment was mainly descriptive and lacked representative data on a national scale. These are important limitations in the advent of the Affordable Medicine Facility for Malaria, which [...] BACKGROUND: In many low-income countries, the retail sector plays an...
Comparative analysis of two methods for measuring sales volumes during malaria medicine outlet surveys (Publications)
BACKGROUND: There is increased interest in using commercial providers for improving access to quality malaria treatment. Understanding their current role is an essential first step, notably in terms of the volume [...] methods. METHODS: Using sales volume data on anti-malarials and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for malaria collected through provider recall (RC) and retail audits (RA), this study measures the degree of
Pyrethroid resistance in <em>Anopheles gambiae</em>, in Bomi County, Liberia, compromises malaria vector control (Publications)
the efficacy of malaria strategies relying on this class of insecticide. The findings highlight the urgent need to expand and sustain monitoring of insecticide resistance in Liberian malaria vectors, evaluate [...] Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN) and Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) have both proven to be effective malaria vector control strategies in Africa and the new technology of insecticide treated durable wall lining [...] is logistically challenging and, furthermore, the increase in...
Critical evaluation of molecular monitoring in malaria drug efficacy trials and pitfalls of length-polymorphic markers (Publications)
therefore calls for necessary amendments to the current WHO recommendations for PCR correction of malaria drug trial endpoints. Accuracy of genotyping outcomes could be improved by separate amplification
Identification of new human malaria parasite <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibitors by pharmacophore and... (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (PfDHODH), a key enzyme in the de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway, which the Plasmodium falciparum relies on exclusively for survival, has emerg
Comparative performance of three experimental hut designs for measuring malaria vector responses to insecticides in Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Experimental huts are simplified, standardized representations of human habitations that provide model systems to evaluate insecticides used in indoor residual spray (IRS) and long-lasting