Theory of reactive interventions in the elimination and control of malaria (Publications)
in maintaining the disease-free state after achieving malaria elimination (through other interventions). CONCLUSION: RCD alone can eliminate malaria in only a very limited range of settings, where transmission [...] BACKGROUND: Reactive case detection (RCD) is an integral part of many malaria control and elimination programmes and can be conceived of as a way of gradually decreasing transmission. However, it is unclear
Models of effectiveness of interventions against malaria transmitted by <em>Anopheles albimanus</em> (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Most impact prediction of malaria vector control interventions has been based on African vectors. Anopheles albimanus, the main vector in Central America and the Caribbean, has higher intrinsic [...] Hispaniola and intervention effect data from southern Mexico were used to parameterize mathematical malaria models. Indoor residual spraying (IRS), insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), and house-screening were [...] excito-repellency. It also supports the idea that housing improvements have...
Videographic analysis of flight behaviours of host-seeking <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em> towards BG-Malaria trap (Publications)
The BG-Malaria trap (BGM) is an adaptation of the well-known BG-Sentinel trap (BGS) with greater trapping efficiencies for anopheline and culicine mosquitoes. Its continued optimization requires greater
Mosquito feeding behavior and how it influences residual malaria transmission across Africa (Publications)
an estimated 10.6 million additional malaria cases annually if universal LLIN and IRS coverage was achieved. Higher outdoor biting diminishes the cases of malaria averted by vector control. This reduction [...] times contribute to residual transmission which determines the maximum effectiveness of current malaria prevention. The likelihood mosquitoes feed outside the time of day when LLINs and IRS can protect [...] estimate the public health impact of outdoor biting across Africa. On average 79%...
Human behaviour and residual malaria transmission in Zanzibar: findings from in-depth interviews and direct observation of community events (Publications)
risk of malaria infection during these times. Travel and migration emerged as a crucial issue and participants viewed seasonal workers coming from mainland Tanzania as more likely to have a malaria infection [...] CONCLUSIONS: Targeting malaria interventions effectively is critical and should be informed by a clear understanding of relevant human behaviour. These findings highlight malaria prevention gaps in Zanzibar [...] final phases of malaria elimination. Development and deployment of...
Regulation of sexual commitment in malaria parasites - a complex affair (Publications)
Malaria blood stage parasites commit to either one of two distinct cellular fates while developing within erythrocytes of their mammalian host: they either undergo another round of asexual replication [...] may support or impair the ultimate goal of human-to-human transmission via the mosquito vector. Malaria parasites therefore evolved strategies to control investments into asexual proliferation versus [...] underlying the control and environmental modulation of sexual commitment in the two...