Prevalence and determinants of undernutrition in schoolchildren in the Kilombero district, South-Eastern Tanzania (Publications)
wasting, and underweight, while logistic regression analyses examined sociodemographic background, malaria infection, anaemia, anthropometric measures, and dietary diversity score as potential factors. The [...] obesity was 11.8%, 4.3%, 3.9%, 11.1%, and 2.0%, respectively. Overall, 1.5% of the children had malaria, as determined by rapid diagnostic tests, and 0.4% had severe anaemia. Univariate analysis indicated
Antiprotozoal activities of tetrazole-quinolines with aminopiperidine linker (Publications)
sickness) and Malaria both are insect vectored tropical diseases. Only a couple of drugs is able to cure HAT, but all of them are toxic, prone to resistance and require parenteral administration. Malaria is responsible
Detection of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infected <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> using near‑infrared spectroscopy (Publications)
demonstrates proof-of-concept that NIRS is capable of rapidly identifying laboratory strains of human malaria infection in African mosquito vectors. CONCLUSIONS: Accurate, low-cost, reagent-free screening of [...] by NIRS could revolutionize surveillance and elimination strategies for the most important human malaria parasite in its primary African vector species. Further research is needed to evaluate how the method
PHARE: a bioinformatics pipeline for compositional profiling of multiclonal <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections from long-read Nanopore... (Publications)
detect and track the spread of these clones is crucial for effective malaria control and treatment. However, in endemic settings, malaria infected people often carry multiple P. falciparum clones simultaneously
Use of poly(amidoamine) drug conjugates for the delivery of antimalarials to <em>Plasmodium</em> (Publications)
Current malaria therapeutics demands strategies able to selectively deliver drugs to Plasmodium-infected red blood cells (pRBCs) in order to limit the appearance of parasite resistance. Here, the poly [...] , and selective internalization into pRBCs but not in healthy erythrocytes for human and rodent malarias, may be regarded as promising candidates deserving to enter the antimalarial therapeutic arena.
Sequence and diversity of T-cell receptor alpha <em>V</em>, <em>J</em>, and <em>C</em> genes of the owl monkey <em>Aotus nancymaae</em> (Publications)
which are susceptible to infection with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, as an animal model for the evaluation of molecularly defined malaria vaccine candidates
A worldwide map of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> K13-propeller polymorphisms (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Recent gains in reducing the global burden of malaria are threatened by the emergence of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to artemisinins. The discovery that mutations in portions of a P. [...] analyzed the K13-propeller sequence polymorphism in 14,037 samples collected in 59 countries in which malaria is endemic. Most of the samples (84.5%) were obtained from patients who were treated at sentinel
How many mosquito nets are needed to achieve universal coverage? Recommendations for the quantification and allocation of long-lasting insecticidal... (Publications)
Long-lasting insecticidal nets are an effective tool for malaria prevention, and "universal coverage" with such nets is increasingly the goal of national malaria control programmes. However, national level campaigns
Molecular epidemiology of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections among asymptomatic inhabitans of a holoendemic malarious area in northern Ghana (Publications)
Age dependence of malaria infection was assessed in an age-stratified cluster sample of 308 individuals from Kassena-Nankana District of northern Ghana during June and July 2000. Overall prevalence of [...] holoendemic sites in Africa, validating the use of the age-multiplicity relationship as an indicator of malaria endemicity.
Care seeking and treatment of febrile children with and without danger signs of severe disease in northern Uganda: results from three household... (Publications)
(danger signs) in rural communities are crucial for preventing complications and death from severe malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea. We set out to determine the treatment-seeking practices and treatment patterns [...] of age with an acute febrile illness, with or without danger signs of severe disease, in a highly malaria-endemic area of northern Uganda. Three household surveys were conducted from November through December