Unlocking the human factor to increase effectiveness and sustainability of malaria vector control (Publications)
decade in the fight against malaria there is a critical opportunity to elevate the role of social and behaviour change to increase the impact and sustainability of malaria control and elimination efforts [...] BACKGROUND: Progress in the fight against malaria has stalled in recent years, highlighting the importance of new interventions and tailored approaches. A critical factor that must be considered across [...] research with entomological and epidemiological evaluations will provide a more...
Early life adversity, biological adaptation, and human capital: evidence from an interrupted malaria control program in Zambia (Publications)
adaptation - immunity formation - for human capital accumulation. Using variation in early life malaria risk generated by an interrupted disease control program in Zambia, we show that exposure to infectious [...] infectious diseases during the first two years of life can reduce the harmful effects of malaria exposure on cognitive development during the preschool years. These findings suggest a non-linear and traj
Nonrandom selection and multiple blood feeding of human hosts by <em>Anopheles </em>vectors: implications for malaria transmission in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
feeding of human hosts by Anopheles mosquitoes may exacerbate malaria transmission. Both patterns of blood feeding and their relationship to malaria epidemiology were investigated in Anopheles vectors in Papua [...] mosquito was determined by matching the blood-meal genetic profile to the villagers' genetic profiles. Malaria infection in humans was determined by PCR test of blood samples. The results show nonrandom distribution [...] infection was higher in this age group, suggesting males in...
Investigating differences in village-level heterogeneity of malaria infection and household risk factors in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Malaria risk is highly heterogeneous. Understanding village and household-level spatial heterogeneity of malaria risk can support a transition to spatially targeted interventions for malaria elimination [...] spatial heterogeneity of malaria risk and investigate the contribution of individual, household and environmental-level risk factors. Following a period of declining malaria prevalence, the prevalence [...] useful indicators of transmission hotspots and inform the development of tailored...
CRISPR/Cas9-engineered inducible gametocyte producer lines as a valuable tool for <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>malaria transmission research (Publications)
The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum replicates inside erythrocytes in the blood of infected humans. During each replication cycle, a small proportion of parasites commits to sexual development and [...] In summary, we believe the iGP approach developed here will greatly expedite basic and applied malaria transmission stage research.
Should deep-sequenced amplicons become the new gold-standard for analysing malaria drug clinical trials? (Publications)
used to distinguish genotyping 'noise' from real low density signals, the local epidemiology of malaria transmission, and the potential impact of genetic signals from gametocytes. Results. AmpSeq greatly