<em>Mycobacterium ulcerans</em> DNA in bandicoot excreta in Buruli ulcer-endemic area, Northern Queensland, Australia (Publications)
To identify potential reservoirs/vectors of Mycobacterium ulcerans in northern Queensland, Australia, we analyzed environmental samples collected from the Daintree River catchment area, to which Burul
Setting priorities for knowledge translation of Cochrane reviews for health equity: evidence for equity (Publications)
BACKGROUND: A focus on equity in health can be seen in many global development goals and reports, research and international declarations. With the development of a relevant framework and methods, the
Effect of land-use changes on the abundance, distribution, and host-seeking behavior of <em>Aedes arbovirus</em> vectors in oil palm-dominated... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Identifying priority areas for vector control is of considerable public health relevance. Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) spread by Aedes mosquitoes are (re)emerging in many parts of
The treatment cascade in children with unsuppressed viral load - a reality check in rural Lesotho, Southern Africa (Publications)
BACKGROUND: As per guidelines of the World Health Organization HIV infected children who do not achieve viral suppression while under antiretroviral therapy (ART), receive enhanced adherence counselli
Somatic mutation footprinting reveals a unique tetra-nucleotide signature associated with intron-exon boundaries in lung cancer (Publications)
Cigarette smoke comprises a large number of carcinogenic substances that can increase DNA mutation load in epithelial cells of the mouth, throat and lungs. While a strong C:A substitution preference i
Acute viral respiratory illnesses in Andean children: a household-based cohort study (Publications)
We investigated respiratory pathogens in a prospective cohort study of young children living in the Peruvian Andes. In the study we assessed viral respiratory infections among young children, and expl