Cause-specific mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa and Bangladesh (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To provide internationally comparable data on the frequencies of different causes of death. METHODS: We analysed verbal autopsies obtained during 1999 -2002 from 12 demographic surveillance
Community-directed treatment of onchocerciasis with ivermectin in Takum, Nigeria (Publications)
A study to identify factors within the community that can ensure sustainable community-directed treatment (ComDT) with ivermectin compared the effectiveness of programme-designed (PD) and community- d
Comparison of SYBR Green I-, PicoGreen-, and [H-3]-hypoxanthine-based assays for in vitro antimalarial screening of plants from Nigerian ethnomedicine (Publications)
The standard method for in vitro antimalarial drug screening is based on the isotopic assay which is expensive and utilizes radioactive materials with limited availability, safety, and disposal proble
Spatial effects of the social marketing of insecticide-treated nets on malaria morbidity (Publications)
Randomized controlled trials have shown that insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) have an impact on both malaria morbidity and mortality. Uniformly high coverage of ITNs characterized these trials and this
Help-seeking for pre-ulcer and ulcer conditions of <em>Mycobacterium ulcerans</em> disease (Buruli ulcer) in Ghana (Publications)
Abstract. This study examined sociocultural features of help-seeking for Buruli ulcer-affected persons with pre-ulcers and ulcers in a disease-endemic area in Ghana. A sample of 181 respondents were p
Allergic diseases and atopic sensitization in children related to farming and anthroposophic lifestyle - the PARSIFAL study (Publications)
Background: The prevalence of allergic diseases has increased rapidly in recent decades, particularly in children. For adequate prevention it is important not only to identify risk factors, but also p